Saturday, September 30, 2006
not impressed.
This weekend kinda sucked and its nothing like I thought it would be. This isn't the stress reliever I was hoping for. I'm extremely hungover right now and very disappointed. Last night I went to Grace's and we all drank our faces off (the girls) and went to Grand Theft Bus at the Cellar. The rest of the night is extremely blacked out. I ended up being forced into a jager shot and then had to go puke in the Cellar bathroom. I walked home all alone in the dark. Today is very disappointing too.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Gill's Weekly Stress Forecast - In the Extreme-High Category

Ahhhh I feel on the edge. I am always on the edge these days! I feel like even when I am trying to take a breather, its not a real breather because I just keep worrying about all the work I have to do and that I shouldn't be taking a break. In fact, I haven't done a thing all day yet. Ugh! On another note, Kinnon was suppose to be driving me and some other peeps up to Moncton tonight to party for Brianne's birthday, but apparently that has been cancelled. That was the only thing I have been looking forward to during my week of hell. And next week is going to be even MORE hellish if that's even possible. Last night I took a break off studying after work and went out to the Capital with Reid, Kristy, Laura, Heather, Grace and Flynn. It was pretty empty and I was driving but it was still an alright time. Nothing like the summer though. Grand Theft Bus is playing tonight at the Cellar and we are all going to go dress up and get bombed. Well, the bombed part was my plan for myself, but the dress up part was Grace's idea. I am not a dressy person so the most you'll see me in is a hippyish skirt. Hah.
Right now I'm extremely bored and to tame my boredom I "should" be either working on my hellish lab report OR studying animal physiology.. Maybe I'll do that...or maybe not. I'm not focused enough right now to do anything productive. My mind keeps drifting. I'm craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Second Cup.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Readers beware...
I am having such a horrible day already, and its only 12 noon. I just feel like complete crap and I want to lay in my bed under my covers and cry. But I can't because I have so much homework, studying, and I have to work at AE tonight. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. I must be the dumbest person in my classes and I can't handle it. Even my professor makes me feel like a complete idiot. I got 2/12 on the popquiz in my advanced lab class and if that didn't make me look stupid enough, the assignment that I had passed was passed back to me saying I could try again and resubmit for full marks. So I tried again, and resubmitted but she sat me down and tried to explain how to do it but made me feel so stupid. Then she has the nerve to ask me if I took Biology 2025 (Lisa's Lab) and I reply with "YES I'm the TA!". She just gave me the "oh" in the tone of voice that made it sound like she was really trying to say: "Why the hell would they pick someone as stupid as you to be a TA in that lab!" Anyways, regardless I just want to cry. What the hell am I doing with my life?!? If I can't even do simple dilutions and lab calculations then why the hell am I trying to get into research and lab work --- why the hell am I a TA?! Why am I even in biology?! If I can't do biology then what can I do?! I clearly couldn't make it through Computer Science or Arts. I've already been there done that. And what else is there?? Work at American Eagle for the rest of my life? Hell, I'm not even a good salesperson, I suck at pushing clothes onto people. The only thing I think I'm good at at AE is folding clothes and making them look pretty. I'm not even a good dishwasher for the biology department. I'm a clutz and all I do is break things. Jeez. Maybe its all this stress about school and working too much is finally getting to me. I don't know. I'm sad and confused and stressed out.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Moncton Trip
Turns out my Moncton trip with Claire and ol'Bessie was a success! My car had zero problems! We left freddy on friday and came back today (sunday). I had tons of fun with Trav. Wes and Bird also came up for the weekend. Both nights were a shitshow. Friday night we made it out to the Voodoo. I drank a pint of rum. I really gotta stop doing that -- I don't remember walking to the bar at all, but I do remember the bar (surprisingly!). Saturday night we went to some random party and didn't make it out due to some drunk shananagans! Our days consisted of laying hungover in bed and doing yetis. Why the hell not.
Oh PS, turns out I'm no longer single:P
Picture from BoatJob night at the end of August:
Oh PS, turns out I'm no longer single:P
Picture from BoatJob night at the end of August:

Thursday, September 21, 2006
I'm crazy ecstatic right now!!!!!
Can you guess why??
BESSIE IS BACK!!! Bessie my car!!! I've been without her for over 2 months and she is fixed and sitting in my driveway at home in kingston. My mom is on her way right now to come pick me up and drive me home so I can drive my car back. oh my god life with a car again. Sawweeeeeet!
If you only saw me right now... I feel like dancing around the room. I have a huge smile on my face that just won't go away.. I feel like laughing evilly with Claire.... BAHAHAAAAA!!!!
I'm crazy ecstatic right now!!!!!
Can you guess why??
BESSIE IS BACK!!! Bessie my car!!! I've been without her for over 2 months and she is fixed and sitting in my driveway at home in kingston. My mom is on her way right now to come pick me up and drive me home so I can drive my car back. oh my god life with a car again. Sawweeeeeet!
If you only saw me right now... I feel like dancing around the room. I have a huge smile on my face that just won't go away.. I feel like laughing evilly with Claire.... BAHAHAAAAA!!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The smell of autumn
I am absolutely in love with this time of year! Autumn is crisp and cool. Not too cold, not too hot and muggy. The smell of pumpkin pie and dressing up for Halloween. The colourful leaves in the air. Forough and I just had a 10 minute conversation about how much we love the fall.
Anyways, I would like to mention that a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. That would be Advanced Biochem. I dropped it today and re-added Animal Phys. I just don't have that much time to put into Biochem right now. I feel way less stressed out already, although other things have been taking their toll on me instead. I was feeling really down and stressed out last night and earlier this morning/afternoon. But I'm beginning to feel much better now. Maybe it was the walk and talk with Forough to Second Cup and Quiznos...or the fresh fall air.
Lisa's Lab demonstrating went well today. I got to do the Micropipette and Glass pipette lab. The worst part of the lab was telling the students that they didn't get the right results and had to redo it. Especially when I had to make them redo things more than once. Oh well. It's better that they learn from their mistakes now, then make a mistake in a crucial lab down the road.
Anyways, I would like to mention that a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. That would be Advanced Biochem. I dropped it today and re-added Animal Phys. I just don't have that much time to put into Biochem right now. I feel way less stressed out already, although other things have been taking their toll on me instead. I was feeling really down and stressed out last night and earlier this morning/afternoon. But I'm beginning to feel much better now. Maybe it was the walk and talk with Forough to Second Cup and Quiznos...or the fresh fall air.
Lisa's Lab demonstrating went well today. I got to do the Micropipette and Glass pipette lab. The worst part of the lab was telling the students that they didn't get the right results and had to redo it. Especially when I had to make them redo things more than once. Oh well. It's better that they learn from their mistakes now, then make a mistake in a crucial lab down the road.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Funniest picture ever.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
At least I didn't fall in a ditch and DIE....
Instead I just fell. Numerous times. They have one of my falls on video right outside of Tims. Oh noooo. I also got hit in the back of my heel with the Subway door. I don't know how this was possible but it gashed my heel and I started bleeding profusely. EVERYWHERE. I think I bled nonstop for a good 45 minutes. My flip flops are ruined with blood. To make it worse, Trav tripped and kicked me in the heel after it had stopped and it started again. Other than that friday night was a great time. Saturday was also great. Man, being drunk on antibiotics is awesome. I can't remember a thing. I have a vague recollection of some sketchy alley with some sketchy food joint. It was very very odd! I have the entire next weekend off and I'm hoping to hit up Moncton...that is I would really love to find a drive there, but I might have to take the bus.
Right now I'm waiting for the dishwasher up in the Biology building to finish. It still has a good hour left on it unfortunately. Why oh why did I ask for the weekend shift for dishwashing?!?! I have to do it all alone and it is taking sooo long. I have honestly never seen so many buckets full of dirty test tubes. It sickened me to see them when I walked in that I almost puked a little. So far I've been here for a little over 2 hours, and I"ve already broke 5 test tubes and the dishwasher is leaking soapy water all over the floor. Why the hell am I such a clutz!?! Today at work I knocked the markdown gun onto my toe. OOOWWWW!
If I realised that dishwashing was going to take this long....I would have brought my homework to school. Fuck I suck.
Percy, my landlord is a creep who likes to creep around the house, spy on us, and yell at us for having parties.
Right now I'm waiting for the dishwasher up in the Biology building to finish. It still has a good hour left on it unfortunately. Why oh why did I ask for the weekend shift for dishwashing?!?! I have to do it all alone and it is taking sooo long. I have honestly never seen so many buckets full of dirty test tubes. It sickened me to see them when I walked in that I almost puked a little. So far I've been here for a little over 2 hours, and I"ve already broke 5 test tubes and the dishwasher is leaking soapy water all over the floor. Why the hell am I such a clutz!?! Today at work I knocked the markdown gun onto my toe. OOOWWWW!
If I realised that dishwashing was going to take this long....I would have brought my homework to school. Fuck I suck.
Percy, my landlord is a creep who likes to creep around the house, spy on us, and yell at us for having parties.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Monday night I ended up going out with everyone for Miray and Grace's bdays -- we ended up at Boston Pizza. It was a good time! Tuesday I went to the Capital for a bit, but left early as I had a crazy day on wednesday...class from 8:30am-12:30...cellar for first day of being a TA! then I had to go immediately to work at AE from 5-10 and then back to the university to dishwash (luckily there were absolutely NO DISHES!) Last night I went to the boys place and then to Dolans. Tonight everyone is drinking here and then we are heading out to a show for Harvest Jazz and Blues. It is going to be a good time, I can just sense it. I'm on antibiotics right now though, for this nasty cough that won't go away.... (I've had it for over 4 months!) Hopefully I don't fall in a ditch and die tonight. My stomach is rotting right now from the antibiotics, ouch.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Why do I do this to myself!?
Seriously, why do I feel the need to take the hardest courses....and work 3 jobs?! I'm crazy. That's what everyone keeps telling me. Maybe I should drop a course, but that just means I'll have to pick up those credit hours next semester in order to graduate. Other people tell me to drop one of my jobs, but I can't. Dishwashing for the Bio department is a joke and is easy money....My TA position will be great experience and great on my resume....and American Eagle is well...American Eagle! I've been there for 14 months and I'm one of the only remaining seniors...and not to mention the discount. I can't quit. So either I suck it up and become a hermit, or I have to drop a course.
Blah! What to do, what to do.
I'm suppose to go to Mexi's tonight for a bday gathering.
Right now I'm practicing the art of procrastionation from some ABC (ABC=Advanced BioChemistry) I need to start using my time more wisely. I just asked Agni how I can do that...and she laughs and said "Don't ask me!". Daaaammmmn. I live with another procrastinator. Agni suggested that I become NOT addicted to msn. But it's not even that...if there is no one online to talk to, I'll blog or read other blogs or look at pictures or check the weather 10 times....I'll do anything in my power not to study and to just waste time.
Blah! What to do, what to do.
I'm suppose to go to Mexi's tonight for a bday gathering.
Right now I'm practicing the art of procrastionation from some ABC (ABC=Advanced BioChemistry) I need to start using my time more wisely. I just asked Agni how I can do that...and she laughs and said "Don't ask me!". Daaaammmmn. I live with another procrastinator. Agni suggested that I become NOT addicted to msn. But it's not even that...if there is no one online to talk to, I'll blog or read other blogs or look at pictures or check the weather 10 times....I'll do anything in my power not to study and to just waste time.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I'm chronically sick.
Uggggh, I feel so sick and stuffed up! I'm just eating some oatmeal and getting ready for workie work. I wish I could call in sick again but I did last night and I need the money. Friday night was a great time -- we partied over at Reids place -- drank, did a bunch of yetis and had a secret Reid Fashion Show in his bedroom. Basically it involved Laura, Kristy and I dancing around in his room with his clothes on .... we were later joined by Miray and Kinnon. Good times. We have hilarious pictures. I ended up going to Sweets with some of the boys where many drinks and shots were bought. Afterwards we ended back up at Reids where we did more yetis and played cards. Most of the night is a blurrrrr! Miray drove me home at 4am, where I made an omelette (I'm deducing from all the dirty dishes and stuff in front of my computer in the morning and the empty egg carton on the kitchen counter!) Anyways, apparently I spilled omelette grease on my CPP form to fill out... Eeks. I hope they still accept it....
Well, I better go straighten my hair!
Well, I better go straighten my hair!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Bad Day?

Yesterday could be considered a day of hell in the life of Gill. Classes started. I started to nod off in my 3 hour Bioinformatics class which is at 8:30am, even though the prof only talked for an hour. That's not a good start to the year. To make it worse, this class is twice a week! Not a good start to the year, thats for sure. Anyways, after class I walked home and my feet started to get sore, in a very odd spot. Later on when I was at work I was limping around because the pad of my right foot was so sore I couldn't put any pressure on it.
To make things go even better, I found out that Trevor 99% sure cheated and lied to me when we were together, with some ESL girl. Apparently he told his friend not to tell me because I thought he went home to hampton. What a loser. Ten minutes later I found out more bad news about another boy, but now I believe that someone is just trying to stir up some shit. Regardless, I hate boy drama. Why can't I just find someone who really cares about me? I feel so confused right now. I wish this weekend could have gone as originally planned -- I was really looking forward to it. I can't deny that I miss Trav a lot.
Well, at least the night ended up well -- I ended up at Dolans where I ran into a bunch of old friends!
My foot has gone back to hurting today. Damn all this walking around. I'm so not used to it! I need to get back into gym mode, but how can I get back into gym mode when I can't even walk because my feet hurt?!
Ok.... right now there is some guy outside the living room window painting or doing something, I can't see his hand and its making lots of noise. This is really creepy. I'm sprawled out here on the couch in my boxers. HAH!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Well, its that hectic time of year again..
Classes officially start tomorrow. I have class from 8:30-11:30am, then I have to walk up to the mall and work from 1-5:15. Yuck. I'm going to be exhausted. I also promised I would head to Dolans that night... I don't think I'll be able to make it considering I have class from 8:30-12:30 the following morning!!
Anyways, here are the classes I'm registered for if any of you are interested (probably not tho!):
- Bioinformatics
- Adv. Biochem
- Adv. Eukaryotic cell lab
- Virology
- Animal Physiology
Today was a busy day. It consisted of waking up super early (after staying up til 3:30am because I was drunk at the Capital that Tues night) and going to training for my lab demonstrator position for the course Research Methods in Cell Biology. After that was over, I came home and made supper and spent the evening with Agni at the mall and running errands. My student loan came in so (stupidly) I decided to blow a bunch of money...on a new cell phone, shoes, school supplies and underwear from AE (hey...I get 50% off on it for two weeks, I couldn't resist!). Now I'm scared to check out my bank account for the major dent I put in it today... Oh well, what can you do...
It sucks that a certain someone moved to Moncton...
Anyways, here are the classes I'm registered for if any of you are interested (probably not tho!):
- Bioinformatics
- Adv. Biochem
- Adv. Eukaryotic cell lab
- Virology
- Animal Physiology
Today was a busy day. It consisted of waking up super early (after staying up til 3:30am because I was drunk at the Capital that Tues night) and going to training for my lab demonstrator position for the course Research Methods in Cell Biology. After that was over, I came home and made supper and spent the evening with Agni at the mall and running errands. My student loan came in so (stupidly) I decided to blow a bunch of money...on a new cell phone, shoes, school supplies and underwear from AE (hey...I get 50% off on it for two weeks, I couldn't resist!). Now I'm scared to check out my bank account for the major dent I put in it today... Oh well, what can you do...
It sucks that a certain someone moved to Moncton...
Monday, September 04, 2006
I'm a hat thief.
I'm all moved in! 721 George street. Beautiful old house with the big porch! I am absolutely loving it here, its an awesome location (although I wish work wasn't so damn far away!) I had a porch party the other day to celebrate moving in. A lot of my graham friends showed up, people I didn't expect to see. It was a blast! God I'm going to miss these guys and gals. Oh so much.
P.S. My blog now needs a new name...Anyone have any suggestions?
My favorite Porch Party Picture:
P.S. My blog now needs a new name...Anyone have any suggestions?
My favorite Porch Party Picture:

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