Just a quick blog update while I sit at home on my lunch break from the lab. I usually come home for lunch these days because for one, its only a 5 minute drive from work and two, I'm saving so much money on food not eating out all the time! Plus, I suck at making a lunch and bringing it to work with me. There are so many more options when you can eat at home because you have access to a stove and oven! Tuna melts are on the menu.
I'm hoping the weather this weekend will cooperate with me. Trav and I want to go to Saint John and go hiking around in Irving Nature Park. We had a brief stop there a couple weekends ago when we went down to visit my mom for her birthday. Brief, but so fun! I love hiking! The animals there are so tame its rediculous. You can tell that people always feed them.. We had a crew of chickadees and squirrels following us throughout the trail. And by friendly chickadees they were landing on branches literally a foot away from us. At one point, I thought maybe if I put my arms out I might have one land on my hand. Sure enough, within a minute I had a chickadee try to land on my hand but it surprised me and I pulled away. Too bad, would have been a great photo.

After our Irving Park adventure, I took Travis to Mispec beach which is a sort of hidden treasure. It's a lovely beach just outside of the city. Beautiful sand, and tons of awesome rocks to sit on and watch the ocean waves.