.... but are starting to crack. I feel rediculously giddy right now. I haven't felt like this in soo sooo long! The only place I want to be right now is down the street, not here alone in my bed. I guess that's my own fault though. I should have stayed. No wait, I'm blaming it on my wall of stone! I'm so freaked out by how I feel right now but at the same time it's awesome. I'm lovin the cards that I've been dealt. Life is splendid.
On another note, I look like a lobster. Just call me Lobster Gilly. My whole back is bright red. I layed out at the beach sans sunscreen all afternoon. I know, smart one eh? I'm paying for it now! I'm sitting here with a sticky back covered with aloe vera gel. Yummilicious!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Scared to go downstairs in your own house...

So mario really is a character. It can mildly entertaining yet frightening at the same time. I think he's tried to hit on every one of us here at 672 Graham - in particular Claire and Becca. Becca was his newest victim with a presentation of pretty flowers for her birthday and left the above letter on our board downstairs.....
Can you say "creepola?!"
Last night I made Bec a big eggless chocolate cake (It was truly delish!) and we had some people here for predrinks before ending up downtown at Dolans. I apparently told some guy off because he made her cry. I didn't even know him! I'm a good older sister;)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I hope tongue rings are meant to be eaten...
I made a huge bowl of guacamole for supper tonight. As I was eating, I realised the red bead on my tongue ring was gone! The only thing I could think of was that I had swallowed it with my guac! EEEK!! I kinda freaked out but Jenn reassured me I would be fine and just pass it out. I put another bead on my barbell and continued to mosh on the guacamole. This time it feels like there was some sort of food wrapped around the top bead on my tongue so I started fiddling with it, trying to free the food. No food, just a half EATEN bead! It was cracked and half was missing! I think I must have munched on it and ate it with the nacho chip! So now I'm really freaked out because somewhere inside my body is a red bead and a sharp half eaten blue bead.
If I die, you'll know why!
If I die, you'll know why!
It's about time for another update!
I'm slacking on updates!
So what has happened that is worth mentioning... Oh, the Eggers came back to Claire's work AGAIN!! This time there was only two of them, and one of the kids grabbed a handful of candy, and ate it right in front of Claire!
Claire: "Are you going to pay for that?"
Stupid Egging Kid: "I don't have any MONEY!"
Ahhhh!! I told her she should have reported them about a kazillion times. I at least wish their parents knew what they were up to. Operation drive-by egging must be underway soon...as long as my car doesn't stall/break while we are egging them...
Friday night was Jimmy Swift at Jesters Court which was a fun time indeed.
Saturday night was a night in and Sunday night I went with Trev to his buddy's place to have birthday drinks. We ended up trashed and at the 20/20 club. It was such a random time that it was fun!
I have to get to work soon, but I will write more about my new roommate Mario later. I think he's a secret agent....or a pimp.... He keeps condoms in the fridge and disappears late at night...
So what has happened that is worth mentioning... Oh, the Eggers came back to Claire's work AGAIN!! This time there was only two of them, and one of the kids grabbed a handful of candy, and ate it right in front of Claire!
Claire: "Are you going to pay for that?"
Stupid Egging Kid: "I don't have any MONEY!"
Ahhhh!! I told her she should have reported them about a kazillion times. I at least wish their parents knew what they were up to. Operation drive-by egging must be underway soon...as long as my car doesn't stall/break while we are egging them...
Friday night was Jimmy Swift at Jesters Court which was a fun time indeed.
Saturday night was a night in and Sunday night I went with Trev to his buddy's place to have birthday drinks. We ended up trashed and at the 20/20 club. It was such a random time that it was fun!
I have to get to work soon, but I will write more about my new roommate Mario later. I think he's a secret agent....or a pimp.... He keeps condoms in the fridge and disappears late at night...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
"How long does minute rice take to cook?"
My set of keys is officially cursed as of today.
I forgot them when I went down the street last night and the door ended up locked when I came home at 2:30am. I pretended to struggle with the locked door, assuming my keys were hanging out in my purse where they ALWAYS are... Unfortunately for me, my keys were by my computer, inside my locked house. I really was locked out (Who locks their door in the Graham Ghetto anyways?!?).
I am catching a nasty cold again (what is with me getting sick ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME lately). I almost called in sick to work today but I decided to suck it up for a rare 7 hour shift at AE. I think the cold and sleepiness affected my brain. At the end of my shift I realised I had locked my keys in my car!! I'm lucky Nicole was nice enough to give me a drive home... Too bad my car is stuck at the mall tonight.
I think that I should get some sort of contraption so that my keys are always attached to my body... kinda like those mittons on strings...
I forgot them when I went down the street last night and the door ended up locked when I came home at 2:30am. I pretended to struggle with the locked door, assuming my keys were hanging out in my purse where they ALWAYS are... Unfortunately for me, my keys were by my computer, inside my locked house. I really was locked out (Who locks their door in the Graham Ghetto anyways?!?).
I am catching a nasty cold again (what is with me getting sick ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME lately). I almost called in sick to work today but I decided to suck it up for a rare 7 hour shift at AE. I think the cold and sleepiness affected my brain. At the end of my shift I realised I had locked my keys in my car!! I'm lucky Nicole was nice enough to give me a drive home... Too bad my car is stuck at the mall tonight.
I think that I should get some sort of contraption so that my keys are always attached to my body... kinda like those mittons on strings...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Eggers Return
Claire was telling me this story today about this incident that happened when she was at work at Kellys. This weasley little group of teenage pranksters came into the store and started verbally harassing her...with gangbang talk and mooning talk... They tried to steal things and then reached over the counter and repeatedly pounded on the cash register and tried to scan things over and over. Claire asked what they wanted and they go "We need eggs!!! We just got egged really bad!!!" They didn't have any egg residue on them so Claire accused them of being the eggers...
"Yeah, we've been egging people all week" - weasley prankster gang
"Did you egg someone on the walking trail the other night??" - Claire
"Yeah!!" - weasley prankster gang
"That was my roommate!!!!" - Claire
"She threatened us with rocks!! We are going to get revenge on her" - weasley prankster gang
"I'm not selling you anything, get out of the store!!" - Claire
I think that Claire and I should get into my car and drive around downtown with waterguns and eggs...hunt them down and then throw eggs at them and shoot them with water out the window of my car and speed away! That would be sweet.
"Yeah, we've been egging people all week" - weasley prankster gang
"Did you egg someone on the walking trail the other night??" - Claire
"Yeah!!" - weasley prankster gang
"That was my roommate!!!!" - Claire
"She threatened us with rocks!! We are going to get revenge on her" - weasley prankster gang
"I'm not selling you anything, get out of the store!!" - Claire
I think that Claire and I should get into my car and drive around downtown with waterguns and eggs...hunt them down and then throw eggs at them and shoot them with water out the window of my car and speed away! That would be sweet.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I guess egg-shell white really ISN'T my colour...
I cannot believe how immature the Fredericton population is. Around 8pm last night, Danielle, Agni and I were on the walking trail, heading to my house. This group of young teens (I'm guessing about 15-16 years old) were on the trail and started yelling vulgar obscenities at us, such as "HEY! WANNA GANGBANG?!" One of them also mooned me. Obviously we ignored their comments and kept walking. Well, when our backs were turned and we were quickly walking away from these immature teens, I felt something pelt me in the middle of my back! At first thought I thought they had thrown a water balloon at me or something so I turned around angrily - on second glance I had been EGGED!

My expensive cardigan was covered in egg.. my new purse which I can't put in the washer was covered in egg and my pants were covered in egg. I was raging mad! I can't believe that kids have so little time on their hands they feel they have to harrass and egg other people! Can you only imagine it had of been my roommate, who is DEATHLY allergic to eggs who had been there and gotten hit?! When I managed to drag my egg-soaked body into my house, after walking through town covered in egg, I had to be so careful not to drip egg anywhere...
"Sheeeeeehan??? Don't come near me but I have to tell you something......" - me
"Yeah?" - Sheehan
"I've been egged." - me
"YOU WHAT?!" - Sheehan

My expensive cardigan was covered in egg.. my new purse which I can't put in the washer was covered in egg and my pants were covered in egg. I was raging mad! I can't believe that kids have so little time on their hands they feel they have to harrass and egg other people! Can you only imagine it had of been my roommate, who is DEATHLY allergic to eggs who had been there and gotten hit?! When I managed to drag my egg-soaked body into my house, after walking through town covered in egg, I had to be so careful not to drip egg anywhere...
"Sheeeeeehan??? Don't come near me but I have to tell you something......" - me
"Yeah?" - Sheehan
"I've been egged." - me
"YOU WHAT?!" - Sheehan
Thursday, May 11, 2006

My neighbour Totoro is the happiest movie ever. If I’m ever in a slump of depression, I can just pop that movie into my dvd player and even just the opening theme song makes a huge smile grow on my face! I don’t however recommend watching any of the dubbed remakes by Disney or Fox (although I haven’t seen them). There is just no way any North American actor can portray the enthusiasm and sheer joy that the characters on screen have. The original Japanese voices are done so well that it doesn’t even bother me to have to read the English subtitles at the bottom of the screen. After 5 minutes you don’t even realize you are doing it.
Sheehan, Claire and I ended up intoxicated and downtown last night. It was rather fun (surprisingly) and random.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I just made egg-less chocolate chocolate chip cookies (so Sheehan can eat some too and not die!). They are delish! (Stop drooling Mark, haha!)
Lately I've been feeling rather lonely. I never used to be such an independent person, the independent person I am now. I miss having someone around to share my feelings with and to lay in my bed with...among other things;) I've been single for almost 2 entire years! That is definitely beating my record of 7 months of singledom since .... grade 9! I've always had a boyfriend, or at least dated lots! I'm in such a dry spell it's almost getting pathetic. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding someone I really like... Oh well, at least these chocolate cookies will cheer me up!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Pooor Pooor Bessie...
Bessie, my car, died on me again a few days ago. Claire and I were on our way to the liquor store where Bessie decided to stall on her own at a red light in one of the busiest intersections in town during rush hour. What I mean by stall on her own is I am in first gear and my foot is down on the clutch yet she dies. And when I try to start her back up she doesn't turn over! It was embarrassing and after repeatedly trying to turn her on she eventually goes (but barely!). This happened 3 more times in 3 busy intersections on the way home. I thought I was doomed. I can't believe I actually managed to get her home. Now I'm scared to drive her because I don't want to break down somewhere alone for good this time. She is definitely not fit for driving anywhere! What does everyone think of getting those stickers that look like bullet holes so that I can stick them on my ghetto-mobile?? (jj)
Needless to say I've been on my feet and walking around a heckuva lot more lately! I've been walking my lazy butt up the hill to work and back (30 min walk there and 30 min walk back!). I also managed to get off my butt and walk to the gym today which is in the superstore (20 min walk there, workout for an hour, 20 min walk home). Claire and I also took a walking excursion downtown this evening. I had the smart idea of taking the walking trail back home because it would be much nicer than walking up Regent... Anyways, we came to this "cool" looking sidewalk tunnel and we were going to go through it... At first we were like "Ooooooh!!!" (because the tunnel was neato!) Quickly the Oooohs turned to "AHHHH!!!!" and we turned around and ran out as fast as we ccould!! I almost had a heartattack! There was like a wall of big spiders and their webs inside, blocking the path through the tunnel! SOOOO CREEEPY! The people in the cars at the light must have thought we were silly because they definitely saw us enter and then turn around and run out screaming!
Needless to say I've been on my feet and walking around a heckuva lot more lately! I've been walking my lazy butt up the hill to work and back (30 min walk there and 30 min walk back!). I also managed to get off my butt and walk to the gym today which is in the superstore (20 min walk there, workout for an hour, 20 min walk home). Claire and I also took a walking excursion downtown this evening. I had the smart idea of taking the walking trail back home because it would be much nicer than walking up Regent... Anyways, we came to this "cool" looking sidewalk tunnel and we were going to go through it... At first we were like "Ooooooh!!!" (because the tunnel was neato!) Quickly the Oooohs turned to "AHHHH!!!!" and we turned around and ran out as fast as we ccould!! I almost had a heartattack! There was like a wall of big spiders and their webs inside, blocking the path through the tunnel! SOOOO CREEEPY! The people in the cars at the light must have thought we were silly because they definitely saw us enter and then turn around and run out screaming!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Just call me el dorko.
I started reading the DaVinci Code last night before bed. Mind you this was at 3am after drinking a beer at the Phoenix. I got 3 chapters in and basically my hands had to fight with my eyes to put the book down and go to bed (since I had to get up at 9am for work today). I'm looking forward to reading it later tonight before bed! This is very odd for me that I've found a book that I enjoy after reading only one page. I never EVER read! Books usually don't grab my attention right away and then I just get bored and put them down (I think its my mild case of A.D.D. that I think I have but in reality probably don't!) I'm very excited that I've found an attention-catching book because I really should read more often.
My sister and I walked down to Kellys Cafe today to visit Claire and get some free-trade coffee. On the way back we made a pit-stop to the Goodie Shop and (insert surprised emoticon face here) bought some cookies! In 5 minutes I'm going to watch a Natural Disaster show on the Discovery Channel. I've been looking forward to this program since last night when I realised it was going to be on. Yesterday before work I watched a program about a British flight plane disaster in which the window was improperly fitted and blew off in the middle of the flight and the pilot got sucked out the window. It was a really freaky program and I had to watch it from underneath my covers!!
Ok, this post officially makes me the biggest dork ever.
My sister and I walked down to Kellys Cafe today to visit Claire and get some free-trade coffee. On the way back we made a pit-stop to the Goodie Shop and (insert surprised emoticon face here) bought some cookies! In 5 minutes I'm going to watch a Natural Disaster show on the Discovery Channel. I've been looking forward to this program since last night when I realised it was going to be on. Yesterday before work I watched a program about a British flight plane disaster in which the window was improperly fitted and blew off in the middle of the flight and the pilot got sucked out the window. It was a really freaky program and I had to watch it from underneath my covers!!
Ok, this post officially makes me the biggest dork ever.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Stuck in the middle with you!

I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a huge intersection, where one side lies the village of vegetarianism and the other side lies the barbaric meat eaters. Which way shall I turn to? I know which way I "should" turn, ethically, morally, and for my health. But its so hard to make the final trek across this road. I fried up herbed tofu today and put it on my salad. Eating that salad made me take a few steps towards the village. Unfortunately, as soon as beer hits my belly, I turn back towards the barbarians. Ugh. I'm torn. If only I could control my cravings when intoxicated. Now I understand why they say you lose all inhibitions when drinking. I need to find someone, or something to give me that final push towards the right side.
This is a photo from tonight at the Capital with two of my favorite people (among the many of course!) Vy and Agni.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Moral of the Story: Jumping graveyard fences while intoxicated is a bad idea!
I woke up yesterday with a swollen, bruised and sore ankle. (Which apparently is a GRRRRR-EAT excuse to skip el gymmo!) Why was my ankle sore you may ask? What started out as an innocent night in the ghetto, watching the game and drinking a beer turned into many beers and tequilla shots. Somehow we ended up walking downtown, only to realise the gate to the graveyard (which is normally the perfect shortcut) was closed. And this isn't an easy gate to jump over at all! It was tall, with a row of spikes at the top. Makes for a very awkward climb! The whole point of this post is that jumping graveyard fences while intoxicated is a bad idea! I have first hand experience.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
She's BACK!!!
So maybe this isn't deep like I wanted it to be, BUT I'm too excited not to post this!!!
The story goes like this... New Years Eve. Camera alive and well. Photos taken. New Years Day. Camera dead. Won't turn on even with a battery charge/replacement. This happens only 4 days after the warranty has expired so one who is as camera obsessed as me can see my utter despair when I can no longer use my camera. I took the camera back to Futureshop where I purchased it and they tried their own set of batteries. Still my camera had no life. Almost crying for my poor camera and fuming mad at Futureshop for not replacing the camera as the warranty had "just" expired, I left the store. Due to lack of funds my camera remained on my shelf for 4 months. She was lonely and sad and wanted to be stroked.
Today I was missing my camera more than usual. I picked her off my shelf, held her in my lap and decided that even though my funds are still low, I was going to attempt to fix her. I left for work early and stopped at Blacks in the mall (only a couple stores up from American Eagle). I asked them if they fix cameras. The girl told me that if they can't fix them in the store they send them away. She took my camera from my hands and I told her my problem about how it just wouldn't turn on. Thankfully, she gave it a try and popped in her own batteries. Life was bestowed upon my camera, its green light beaming down on me. It's so mysterious and strange that all the batteries we tried before today did not bring her life. But I will not question it. I have her back!
The story goes like this... New Years Eve. Camera alive and well. Photos taken. New Years Day. Camera dead. Won't turn on even with a battery charge/replacement. This happens only 4 days after the warranty has expired so one who is as camera obsessed as me can see my utter despair when I can no longer use my camera. I took the camera back to Futureshop where I purchased it and they tried their own set of batteries. Still my camera had no life. Almost crying for my poor camera and fuming mad at Futureshop for not replacing the camera as the warranty had "just" expired, I left the store. Due to lack of funds my camera remained on my shelf for 4 months. She was lonely and sad and wanted to be stroked.
Today I was missing my camera more than usual. I picked her off my shelf, held her in my lap and decided that even though my funds are still low, I was going to attempt to fix her. I left for work early and stopped at Blacks in the mall (only a couple stores up from American Eagle). I asked them if they fix cameras. The girl told me that if they can't fix them in the store they send them away. She took my camera from my hands and I told her my problem about how it just wouldn't turn on. Thankfully, she gave it a try and popped in her own batteries. Life was bestowed upon my camera, its green light beaming down on me. It's so mysterious and strange that all the batteries we tried before today did not bring her life. But I will not question it. I have her back!
A New Beginning
A new beginning can be exciting, but also means the end of my trusty old livejournal that I had wrote so much in. Livejournal, I will miss yoooou! I'm hoping that with graduating to a new blog comes along more deeper and emotional posts about how I am really feeling, and not so much those boring "what did I do today" posts.
Right now though, I'm really just testing out this new blog and trying to get the feel of it. But I must be off to work soon!!
Adios amigos!
A new beginning can be exciting, but also means the end of my trusty old livejournal that I had wrote so much in. Livejournal, I will miss yoooou! I'm hoping that with graduating to a new blog comes along more deeper and emotional posts about how I am really feeling, and not so much those boring "what did I do today" posts.
Right now though, I'm really just testing out this new blog and trying to get the feel of it. But I must be off to work soon!!
Adios amigos!
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