My neighbour Totoro is the happiest movie ever. If I’m ever in a slump of depression, I can just pop that movie into my dvd player and even just the opening theme song makes a huge smile grow on my face! I don’t however recommend watching any of the dubbed remakes by Disney or Fox (although I haven’t seen them). There is just no way any North American actor can portray the enthusiasm and sheer joy that the characters on screen have. The original Japanese voices are done so well that it doesn’t even bother me to have to read the English subtitles at the bottom of the screen. After 5 minutes you don’t even realize you are doing it.
Sheehan, Claire and I ended up intoxicated and downtown last night. It was rather fun (surprisingly) and random.

Another good movie for that is Curious George... or you could just listen to Jack Johnson, but I really feel it's the monkey that brings the magic.
I really really wanna see that movie!!! The song Upside down by Jack Johnson plays on our AE soundtrack at work... and everytime it comes on I get in a happy mood when I watch the music video and see the monkey dancing around!
About time you let us anonymously comment, you silly goose! Totoro is pretty freaking hilarious. I saw it the other day and was all OMGTOOFUNNY! I looooove his other movies, too!
You should totally send me some of those cookies!
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