After my 9 hour shift at American Eagle yesterday, I went out with Claire, my sis and their friends to Dolans. We befriended the neighbours and I met a guy who used to work at AE before I did. Apparently one time when he was working, someone had shit in the fitting room stall and rolled it up into a ball of receipts. He told me to ask Rob about it because it really did happen! That is just utterly disgusting! Anyways, Dolans was a good time -- I've also come to the conclusion that I love to run when I'm intoxicated. Thats right. No one can stop me, I just like to run off! Claire and I did some running with the boys that live/were visiting next door on the way home -- I also run whenever I'm walking home with Trev and Justin from the bars -- I have even been known to run when I'm alone walking home at 3am!
Amanda is finally home from Denmark!! I miss that girl sooo very much! I am heading home tomorrow (canada day) to see her and go to her family BBQ. Then I imagine we will head uptown to see what is on the go, and possibly to the 3mile to see the new renovations they did on it! I'm so excited! I think it will be an awesome weekend! Did I mention yet that this is the first time all summer that I have two days off in a row? I'm pumped! It's like a mini-vacation for moi!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
6 days to my big 2-3!
I don't know if work really didn't need me to come in today or if Peter just felt bad because he said I didn't even sound like Gill on the phone and he was really confused at first. That's because I'm dreadfully ill, thats right, you heard it. AGAIN. I don't know what is up with my immune system but this is the fourth time I've been sick since the March break. That's just not right! I'm glad I have today to rest and try to recouperate. It's funny too because whenever I start up a new gym routine and start getting into the habit of going daily and for a substantial length of time I always get sick and I have to give it up! Why does that happen?! It's frustrating!! I so would have gone today if I didn't feel like crap -- if my throat was sore and dry and feel like its closing up -- if I wasn't sore all over and have a fever (or so it feels like it). I think I'm going to buy a thermometer since I get sick so much!
I finally got in to see Kelly today and boy did it suck. First of all I had to wake up really early to go down; I'm sick; all I did was throw on a sweater and jeans and leave my house. Kelly gave me a talking to for a good 10 minutes and tried to tell me she was going to take my $310 cheque and go cash it and keep half for herself. I rebuttled with "but I worked those hours". Apparently she didn't give a shit because she had to "waste" money training me. Whatever, its my money! So she went on about keeping half the money for herself for a good 5 minutes and then gave me the option: "So, what are you going to do? Take the whole cheque or leave half for me?" I didn't respond right away but obviously she is not getting a dime of my hard earned cash! She then threw a fit and said take the damn cheque, and don't step foot in this store ever again! Good riddance!"
At least its over with now. I went directly to the bank and deposited it in the ATM. I hope there is no way she can still cancel the cheque on me or something to fuck me over!
I finally got in to see Kelly today and boy did it suck. First of all I had to wake up really early to go down; I'm sick; all I did was throw on a sweater and jeans and leave my house. Kelly gave me a talking to for a good 10 minutes and tried to tell me she was going to take my $310 cheque and go cash it and keep half for herself. I rebuttled with "but I worked those hours". Apparently she didn't give a shit because she had to "waste" money training me. Whatever, its my money! So she went on about keeping half the money for herself for a good 5 minutes and then gave me the option: "So, what are you going to do? Take the whole cheque or leave half for me?" I didn't respond right away but obviously she is not getting a dime of my hard earned cash! She then threw a fit and said take the damn cheque, and don't step foot in this store ever again! Good riddance!"
At least its over with now. I went directly to the bank and deposited it in the ATM. I hope there is no way she can still cancel the cheque on me or something to fuck me over!
Monday, June 26, 2006
It's funny how you think you got over something from the past with someone --- become supposed "good friends" with them -- then find out from someone else they had done something wrong that makes you feel hurt and betrayed. I feel like she had no respect for me. In the words of Mulder, how I feel can be summed up as "Trust No One".
On a lighter note, I went to Agni's "dress up party" on friday night. It was fun to see all my university girls again! And Vy, this picture is for you! And check out the shoes Agni was wearing! We thought you would be proud :)
On a lighter note, I went to Agni's "dress up party" on friday night. It was fun to see all my university girls again! And Vy, this picture is for you! And check out the shoes Agni was wearing! We thought you would be proud :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Feeling stressed.
I feel really bizarre and stressed out right now about nothing. I hate these days when I become an insomniac and all my fears of loneliness and rejection come out of hiding. I am stressed out with what I want to do with my life in the fall -- do I want to go back to school full time (8 brutal upper level Bio courses) and get my honours in Biology --- or do I want to go back in the fall part time (2 courses) and just finish my basic Biology Major. Will I get into grad school without doing an honours? I don't think I have the motivation right now to study my ass off for another entire year. This is going to be year 6 for me. I've been doing this so long. I am also stressed out about facing Kelly and picking up my cheque (and being the procrastinator that I am, I keep putting it off, just making me worry about it even more!) I couldn't sleep at all last night, but for no real reason. Even though I was tired because I worked all day and even managed to fit some room cleaning in there, I could not get my mind to turn off and get the real sleep I needed. I probably fell asleep around 3am and awoke every hour -- finally rising from my restless slumber at 8am. Now I sit here, typing in my blog... my eyes hurt from lack of sleep but when I close them I cannot fall asleep. Perhaps what I am feeling right now is due to the onset of PMS (haha) Here are some symptoms of PMS I found on a website:
- fatigue and trouble sleeping
- headache
- appetite changes or food cravings
- joint or muscle pain
- tension, irritability, mood swings or crying spells (hence the reason avoiding Kelly right now may be a good thing... She'll probably yell and make me cry!!)
- anxiety or depression
I think right now I am experiencing all of these symptoms, although some worse than others.. Goddamn sometimes I wish I wasn't a girl!
And to top it all off - I think my car is going to blow up or something. It's not acting right. When I start the engine it sputters and hardly revs up to normal... I keep thinking its going to stall on me. Ugh! I don't need it breaking down on me but I don't have a mechanic in fredericton nor do I know where to take it since I'm a girl and I don't want someone ripping me off!
I wish a certain someone was here to cheer me up!
I think I need to hit up the gym in a bit -- hopefully that will elevate my mood -- unless my car doesn't start or breaks down ....
- fatigue and trouble sleeping
- headache
- appetite changes or food cravings
- joint or muscle pain
- tension, irritability, mood swings or crying spells (hence the reason avoiding Kelly right now may be a good thing... She'll probably yell and make me cry!!)
- anxiety or depression
I think right now I am experiencing all of these symptoms, although some worse than others.. Goddamn sometimes I wish I wasn't a girl!
And to top it all off - I think my car is going to blow up or something. It's not acting right. When I start the engine it sputters and hardly revs up to normal... I keep thinking its going to stall on me. Ugh! I don't need it breaking down on me but I don't have a mechanic in fredericton nor do I know where to take it since I'm a girl and I don't want someone ripping me off!
I wish a certain someone was here to cheer me up!
I think I need to hit up the gym in a bit -- hopefully that will elevate my mood -- unless my car doesn't start or breaks down ....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I like the way you move
I don't know why I even have a blog becuase lately I haven't had any thoughts to write about. Lets see... Trev left for treeplanting today for "real" this time - - I worked all day today from 2-11 at American Eagle. Oh, and I quit Kellys. I have to go face Kelly and wait until she finishes yelling at me (and probably making me cry) before I can get my cheque from her since she's holding it hostage. Stupid psycho bitch. I hate her! Anyways, she was unfair. When I was first hired I told her she had to work around my AE schedule because I've been there longer and I asked her to give me set hours but she never did either. Basically what ended up happening was all my shifts would overlap and collide and it was too much of a hassle.
No boy before this one has ever done this for me......
No boy before this one has ever done this for me......

Sunday, June 18, 2006
a quickie!

It's been a really long time since I've updated and I know Jenn is getting antsy, waiting for a new post! I don't really have much to say, other than I've been a workaholic (yet I still have no $$) and I have been drinking waaaay too much/often (which may explain the no $$). Trev came home early from treeplanting and surprised me - and he leaves again tomorrow. This time he leaves for about 2 weeks (instead of 5 days). I'm going to miss him like crazy!!
Sorry for the short update but I'll update later when I think of something to talk about!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Happy 22nd Birthday Kate!
It's my old roommates birthday today!

I am heading down to the Cap/Phoenix to see her soon and wish her a very special birthday! I miss living with her lots. She was a great roommate and we always had random adventures together.. Some worth noting:
- the time we had to clean our storage/garbage room with scarves tied around our faces
- dressing up as superheros on a friday afternoon
- our TP adventure to Sunset Grocery
- playing with the ratties
- hanging out on the tiny balcony
- eating chips and watching silly girlie movies
I miss our apartment on Montgomery/Regent!

I am heading down to the Cap/Phoenix to see her soon and wish her a very special birthday! I miss living with her lots. She was a great roommate and we always had random adventures together.. Some worth noting:
- the time we had to clean our storage/garbage room with scarves tied around our faces
- dressing up as superheros on a friday afternoon
- our TP adventure to Sunset Grocery
- playing with the ratties
- hanging out on the tiny balcony
- eating chips and watching silly girlie movies
I miss our apartment on Montgomery/Regent!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I will follow you into the dark
I was just chattin with Megs on msn, and she sent me these pictures...
The first one is a lovely roommate picture from the school year - From left to right: Me, Megs, Catherine (Sheehan), Jenn and Jess. I love this picture so much!

The second picture is a picture of my car window when it was smashed in by a beer bottle. Can you believe a beer bottle did THIS and didn't even break!?!? I hate drunk idiots! (If you look closely you can see the intact beer bottle on the drivers seat)

Last time I was at the gym (3 days ago) I weighed myself...110.5! That means I've lost 9lbs since April without doing much at all! I can fit into some of my old clothes again (aka my AE jean skirt from last summer) and I can tell by looking at that roommate picture I posted that my face is not as full anymore. Its funny because I hardly go to the gym but I guess I have started eating a little bit healthier..and I imagine that working and being on your feet all day is better than being stuck in the library studying, sitting in class and eating junk food from the vending machines in the science library!!
Anyways - I'm really missing Trevor way way more than I thought I would. I know it has only been 4 days since he left for tree planting but it feels so much longer! My double bed is so empty and lonely at night.
The first one is a lovely roommate picture from the school year - From left to right: Me, Megs, Catherine (Sheehan), Jenn and Jess. I love this picture so much!

The second picture is a picture of my car window when it was smashed in by a beer bottle. Can you believe a beer bottle did THIS and didn't even break!?!? I hate drunk idiots! (If you look closely you can see the intact beer bottle on the drivers seat)

Last time I was at the gym (3 days ago) I weighed myself...110.5! That means I've lost 9lbs since April without doing much at all! I can fit into some of my old clothes again (aka my AE jean skirt from last summer) and I can tell by looking at that roommate picture I posted that my face is not as full anymore. Its funny because I hardly go to the gym but I guess I have started eating a little bit healthier..and I imagine that working and being on your feet all day is better than being stuck in the library studying, sitting in class and eating junk food from the vending machines in the science library!!
Anyways - I'm really missing Trevor way way more than I thought I would. I know it has only been 4 days since he left for tree planting but it feels so much longer! My double bed is so empty and lonely at night.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Your beautiful, its true!

I got a new job without hardly lifting a finger at Kellys Cafe/Bouldons on Regent St. They didn't even give me an interview, it was awesome! I've worked two shifts so far. It's ok I guess, but I love AE far more! I imagine it will grow on me as I get the hang of it. Last night I worked at Kellys from 5-11, got to bed by 1:15...woke up this morning at 5:35....worked at Kellys from 7am-2 and now I'm waiting for my shift at AE to start at 5:30-10. Gross. I'm hyped on free kellys fair trade coffeeeeeee! Its the only way I'll make it through today! Trev is gone for a week tree-planting and making tons-0-money. I'm jealous. Oh well, he left his pop here so I'm drinking it, MUAHAHAAA! I'm so desparate for money to pay bills and buy groceries... So desparate that right now I'm eating an "everything" bagel, spread with globs of mashed avocado/tomato/lime juice/salt. Not exactly the tastiest creation I've ever made but filling none the less.... Tomorrow will be grocery day because I get paid from AE tonight.
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