The first one is a lovely roommate picture from the school year - From left to right: Me, Megs, Catherine (Sheehan), Jenn and Jess. I love this picture so much!

The second picture is a picture of my car window when it was smashed in by a beer bottle. Can you believe a beer bottle did THIS and didn't even break!?!? I hate drunk idiots! (If you look closely you can see the intact beer bottle on the drivers seat)

Last time I was at the gym (3 days ago) I weighed myself...110.5! That means I've lost 9lbs since April without doing much at all! I can fit into some of my old clothes again (aka my AE jean skirt from last summer) and I can tell by looking at that roommate picture I posted that my face is not as full anymore. Its funny because I hardly go to the gym but I guess I have started eating a little bit healthier..and I imagine that working and being on your feet all day is better than being stuck in the library studying, sitting in class and eating junk food from the vending machines in the science library!!
Anyways - I'm really missing Trevor way way more than I thought I would. I know it has only been 4 days since he left for tree planting but it feels so much longer! My double bed is so empty and lonely at night.
congrats on the 9lbs gilly! I can't even picture you at 120 lbs! Haha.. you look great! =)
hi gill, its jess, cute pic of all the roomates, it made me a bit homesick, or ghettosick! talk to you soon!
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