I'm very much enjoying the whole downtown atmosphere, its more classy than the Graham Ghetto, thats for sure --- but I can't deny that I don't miss the partying/broken beer bottles/garbage/duct tape graffiti of the ghetto. I'm sure a few small porch parties will fill the empty void. The more I sit here in Second Cup, the more interesting characters I see walk by the window waiting for the bus.
Miray came and met up with me here @ Second Cup yesterday and offered to drive me to Sobeys to get some food so I wouldn't starve the rest of the week. Very nice gesture! When I got home I was lonely and bored....Agni was still at work and there was no internet so I ended up working on my picture project and fell asleep on my mattress on the floor for 2 hours. When I woke up, I was greeted with stolen internet! Apparently once and a while you can pick up internet signal for short random periods of time. I ended up watching Family Guy on my computer for 3 hours and then passing out in my bed once again. I had a horrible sleep last night, I kept waking up coughing.
I have to work tonight for the second half of floorset from 9pm to 3am. I hope Rob isn't too mad at me for missing sunday and monday. There go all my hours for the week. Oh well, you can't help when your sick. I still feel like shit but I can't miss another day!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Well, quite a bit of time has passed since my last update. I can't even begin to describe how awesome this summer has been but my liver and my lungs are paying for it now. I'm sitting here in Second Cup using the internet and drinking white hot chocolate. I called in sick to work today because I feel like absolute shit and I woke up with hardly no voice, a stuffed up nose and a cough. I look like the biggest dirt bag in here at Second Cup. Greasy hair, hoodie.... hot. I have my cough drops and cold/flu meds sitting beside me here on the table. I need some pain medicine too but I packed my advil away in one of my random boxes or bags and I don't know where to search for it. My back and legs are killing me right now from all the moving we did last night.
This weekend has been insanely fun and I will post many many pictures on my msn space when I get around to it. Friday night was boatjob where we partied on a boat for 2 hours. Saturday night was our "Graham Ave Bender Ender". So many good times and memories from this summer! Yesterday everyone had to pack up our bags and part ways. Thanks to Travis for helping me move everything I owned all friggin day.
I'm going to miss my roommates from the summer too. I couldn't have asked for better people..
Becca -- I'm glad we moved back in together for the summer, we are both much more mature people now and its nice to know we can get along now as sisters and as friends.
Claire -- I will miss you and our evil laughing and stealing juice... And our boy talks of course. Porch Parties and backyard parties!!!!
Kinnon -- I'm glad we had a chance to live together this summer because I made an awesome new friend. Your one of the nicest people I know.
Catherine -- Lately we have had a few setbacks but I do love you and I hope we can move past things and remain friends because I think you are super awesome.
I couldn't have asked for better neighbours either. I hope the school year remains just as fun and we all keep in touch! I really don't want to head back to Agni's place... It's so lonely there with no internet and she is working until 10. I'm so used to 672 Graham always having people around.... I've been here in second cup for an hour and a half... I'm a loser... I should leave soon or else people are going to wonder what the heck I'm doing....
This weekend has been insanely fun and I will post many many pictures on my msn space when I get around to it. Friday night was boatjob where we partied on a boat for 2 hours. Saturday night was our "Graham Ave Bender Ender". So many good times and memories from this summer! Yesterday everyone had to pack up our bags and part ways. Thanks to Travis for helping me move everything I owned all friggin day.
I'm going to miss my roommates from the summer too. I couldn't have asked for better people..
Becca -- I'm glad we moved back in together for the summer, we are both much more mature people now and its nice to know we can get along now as sisters and as friends.
Claire -- I will miss you and our evil laughing and stealing juice... And our boy talks of course. Porch Parties and backyard parties!!!!
Kinnon -- I'm glad we had a chance to live together this summer because I made an awesome new friend. Your one of the nicest people I know.
Catherine -- Lately we have had a few setbacks but I do love you and I hope we can move past things and remain friends because I think you are super awesome.
I couldn't have asked for better neighbours either. I hope the school year remains just as fun and we all keep in touch! I really don't want to head back to Agni's place... It's so lonely there with no internet and she is working until 10. I'm so used to 672 Graham always having people around.... I've been here in second cup for an hour and a half... I'm a loser... I should leave soon or else people are going to wonder what the heck I'm doing....
Friday, August 18, 2006
The Girl Next Door

Well, here is my attempt at an update a week later... What is new? Nada. We drink and party. I go to work hungover. The end. I am so sad that this summer is quickly coming to an end. The school year is going to be sooo very much different. I don't know if I'm going to enjoy it. I'm really bummed out that I haven't received any notices about scholarships yet (and other people have)...especially when I have an awesome cumulative GPA of 3.7 and my yearly GPA was 3.9! I'm also bummed out that I didn't get that TA job for my Research Methods in Cell Biology.... This school year is going to suck...
Today I tried to set up my fan in the window and ended up popping my screen out and it flew out onto the driveway... I tried to run downstairs quick enough to save it but Chris Reid backed over it with his car.....
This is a shitty update but I don't feel like typing right now. I just thought I'd update so you all know I haven't drank myself into a coma yet....
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Another wicked week
Wow summer is just flying by! Tuesday we all got really drunk and hit up the Capital for Kinnon's birthday. Wednesday I decided to take it easy and thursday I got drunk and went to Dolans (as per usual!) The highlight of the night on thursday was probably all my free drinks which led to me falling down the stairs by the bathrooms at Dolans....not once, but TWICE! Let me tell ya, my ass hurts A LOT right now. Last night we started drinking at 7:30 and eventually headed down to Sweets. Jacks pizza was the best thing that ever happened.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Happy Birthday FARVA!
It's 1am and I'm blogging because I can't fall back asleep. I fell asleep at 11:30 and woke up at 12:30 wide awake, ack! Now I'm just sitting in my room in the dark, having a lonely sad moment to myself I guess. It's been a great weekend, but now its over and I have more time to myself to think about things. Swimming last night was great, so was those wicked chicken strips we ate over in #2. Today was also great, there was at least ten people in #2 hanging out and getting baked, and none of us live there! We actually crawled through the window to get in, hehe! I don't really have anything substantial to write about right now -- I think those 2 gravol I popped are starting to kick in a little. Tomorrow is Kinnon's 21st Birthday so there will probably be drinking involved. Just what my body needs! I think my liver and my lungs are going to fail by the end of the summer. Not to mention all the brain cells I've been frying....
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Time of My Life
This really is the best summer I've ever had. Ok, so there had been some little setbacks, and I'm as broke as hell, but really, with all those aside I've been having a blast! Drinking 4 times a week and chilling with the neighbours/roommates. I could not ask for more! This weekend has been insanely fun! Friday after work I got home just in time to see Kinnon try to shotgun 8 cold shots. The timing was perfect and right when he cracked the first one open it started to POUR. I ran inside so not to get soaked so I'm still waiting to see the shotgun video. We went out to sweets that night and my recollection of the nights events are pretty blurry!
Saturday I had the day off and it was a lazy day. Played 45s, hung out in the driveway.... drank A LOT of friggin rum that night! It was probably the funniest night ever, so many hilarious things happened! One of Claire's friends totally called out the fact that one of the guys in #3 could not remember her name...even though he slept with her a weekend or two ago... Another hilarious event of the night was when Claire and I stole juice from the fridge in #2 and ran out of the house giggling and laughing insanely -- we sure looked LOOPY! Everyone was like "what is up with them!?" We ended up at Zees that night and had a blast. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in a loooong loooong time! And P.S., Travis and I are officially the biggest mooches in the world and we both need to come up with some major cash fast!
The only problem now is I feel like I should still be drinking... My body is starting to go through withdrawal! I think a few of us are going swimming at Kilarney tonight in the dark... I'm probably going to be scared and bring my noodle.
Saturday I had the day off and it was a lazy day. Played 45s, hung out in the driveway.... drank A LOT of friggin rum that night! It was probably the funniest night ever, so many hilarious things happened! One of Claire's friends totally called out the fact that one of the guys in #3 could not remember her name...even though he slept with her a weekend or two ago... Another hilarious event of the night was when Claire and I stole juice from the fridge in #2 and ran out of the house giggling and laughing insanely -- we sure looked LOOPY! Everyone was like "what is up with them!?" We ended up at Zees that night and had a blast. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in a loooong loooong time! And P.S., Travis and I are officially the biggest mooches in the world and we both need to come up with some major cash fast!
The only problem now is I feel like I should still be drinking... My body is starting to go through withdrawal! I think a few of us are going swimming at Kilarney tonight in the dark... I'm probably going to be scared and bring my noodle.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Screw you Rad Cap and Flip Flop! I hate you both!
Could my thursday be ANY MORE FRIGGIN RANDOM and MESSED?!
It all started out with a fun 25 minute walk to work in the rain at 8:30am, ending with putting bandaids over my HUGE blisters that had started to develop. Work was good though, but the walk home after work was no fun with my blisters. Right now they are all swollen and scabbed over and itchy. YUCK!
The real fun started when my mom sent me grocery $$. Ahem...ok, I'm not going to lie...some of it went to alcohol! Anyways, we all got drunk with #2 + Rogers. A few of us decided it would be a good idea to walk to the bars since we couldn't afford a cab, so off we went! Somewhere downtown along regent street my flip flop from Le Chateau decided to BREAK! I know some of you would recall the time my OTHER Le Chateau flip flops broke that time at the S Club and I fell and scraped my knee. Well this time I didn't fall, but I couldn't go to Dolans without a shoe on my foot! I look back and wonder why I never asked the bouncer for duct tape. I mean I could have just wrapped the tape around my foot to secure the shoe. Oh well. I think I walked around all night with one shoe on and one shoe off. I'm even MORE surprised that I don't have a dirty foot nor glass shards sticking out of it everywhere! Rogers and I went back to his house for a bit, and then, since I'm the MOST STUBBORN PERSON EVER while drunk, I walked back to my house with Rogers with one shoe on, one shoe off -- even though he offered to piggy back me. I guess the reason I didn't let him was because that would have been VERY reminiscent of the other time my flip flop broke at the bar....I think some of the boys we were with had to piggy back me because I was so drunk.
Anyways, to make things worse, I went to drive Rogers home this morning and my rad cap that I had received for free would not fit my radiator! I struggled with it and tried to slam it on, then asked #2 to help...they had no luck. All I wanted to do was whip the damn thing down the road. That means I am going to have to walk to work tonight in the rain probably. Bah.
Although last night was totally random, I am disappointed I missed out on going to Dolans!
It all started out with a fun 25 minute walk to work in the rain at 8:30am, ending with putting bandaids over my HUGE blisters that had started to develop. Work was good though, but the walk home after work was no fun with my blisters. Right now they are all swollen and scabbed over and itchy. YUCK!
The real fun started when my mom sent me grocery $$. Ahem...ok, I'm not going to lie...some of it went to alcohol! Anyways, we all got drunk with #2 + Rogers. A few of us decided it would be a good idea to walk to the bars since we couldn't afford a cab, so off we went! Somewhere downtown along regent street my flip flop from Le Chateau decided to BREAK! I know some of you would recall the time my OTHER Le Chateau flip flops broke that time at the S Club and I fell and scraped my knee. Well this time I didn't fall, but I couldn't go to Dolans without a shoe on my foot! I look back and wonder why I never asked the bouncer for duct tape. I mean I could have just wrapped the tape around my foot to secure the shoe. Oh well. I think I walked around all night with one shoe on and one shoe off. I'm even MORE surprised that I don't have a dirty foot nor glass shards sticking out of it everywhere! Rogers and I went back to his house for a bit, and then, since I'm the MOST STUBBORN PERSON EVER while drunk, I walked back to my house with Rogers with one shoe on, one shoe off -- even though he offered to piggy back me. I guess the reason I didn't let him was because that would have been VERY reminiscent of the other time my flip flop broke at the bar....I think some of the boys we were with had to piggy back me because I was so drunk.
Anyways, to make things worse, I went to drive Rogers home this morning and my rad cap that I had received for free would not fit my radiator! I struggled with it and tried to slam it on, then asked #2 to help...they had no luck. All I wanted to do was whip the damn thing down the road. That means I am going to have to walk to work tonight in the rain probably. Bah.
Although last night was totally random, I am disappointed I missed out on going to Dolans!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sad is only one letter away from Mad.
I don't think angry Gill actually exists. When events happen and I should be super angry, I'm sad instead. Trevor and I made plans for this morning to hang out for a little bit before he actually left for good... But.... he never showed up. He never called me to tell me he wasn't coming. I'm so hurt right now because I feel like he didn't even care enough to call. My roommates all say I should be mad but I'm sad. Why can't I express any anger?! I don't want to make a big deal about all of this. I just wanted to say I am feeling sad. Oh well. Time to get ready for work...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I hope things go up from here....
Wow I don't know what to say. Trevor came into work today and surprised me telling me he's leaving for Banff tomorrow and just wanted to say goodbye. We haven't really talked in a while, and that was the last thing I expected to happen on a lazy tuesday! I must have looked really shocked because my coworkers asked me what was up, and I tried to be ok and hold it in but I had to go out back for a few minutes to compose myself. It's funny. When Trevor and I first broke up, I didn't cry as much as I expected myself to. But now its like the tears won't stop coming. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him because he seems happy. But I will miss him and I hope we don't lose touch with eachother, because thats what ALWAYS happens..
Kinnon and I just had a deep conversation about family and death. It got me thinking...what would I ever do if my mom passed away?! I would be left with no one.
I realised that when my car overheated the other day, so much pressure built up that it totally blew the cap off my radiator! I didn't realise until right before I had to leave for work so I poured in my fluids and drove it anyways... But I don't know if I should just suck it up and walk to work tomorrow (I can't afford the bus, thats how broke I am right now..) Ugh I feel so bummed out! Is it really that bad to drive the car with no radiator cap?! Yeah, I thought so. Looks like it will be one sweaty walk for Gilly tomorrow!
I feel sad. I think at night I feel the worst because I have lots of time to reflect on my life and think about things that make me sad. My money issues right now are really stressing me out. A big thanks goes out to Chris Reid, my favorite #2 neighbour;) He lent me ten dollars so my rent cheque doesn't bounce tomorrow. But basically that means I have to scrounge up my three dollars of rolled pennies...along with any other change I can count out (ie. nickels and dimes) to buy the bare minimum of groceries ... (I am thinking eggs, bread, apples and tuna) I am basically going to starve for the next two weeks until my paycheck, which then will go to all my bills and credit cards. My life sucks. I hate how I have this long weekend off, only because I asked for it off thinking that I would be having fun partying. Now I'm broke, and have nothing to do. My camping trip plan has been foiled due to lack of funds. And I'm soooo sick! I have been sick for over a month with whatever I have and it keeps getting worse. I keep having these crazy coughing fits where I almost puke because I'm coughing so hard and my whole chest is congested and makes wheezing sounds. I'm in rough shape.
I realised that when my car overheated the other day, so much pressure built up that it totally blew the cap off my radiator! I didn't realise until right before I had to leave for work so I poured in my fluids and drove it anyways... But I don't know if I should just suck it up and walk to work tomorrow (I can't afford the bus, thats how broke I am right now..) Ugh I feel so bummed out! Is it really that bad to drive the car with no radiator cap?! Yeah, I thought so. Looks like it will be one sweaty walk for Gilly tomorrow!
I feel sad. I think at night I feel the worst because I have lots of time to reflect on my life and think about things that make me sad. My money issues right now are really stressing me out. A big thanks goes out to Chris Reid, my favorite #2 neighbour;) He lent me ten dollars so my rent cheque doesn't bounce tomorrow. But basically that means I have to scrounge up my three dollars of rolled pennies...along with any other change I can count out (ie. nickels and dimes) to buy the bare minimum of groceries ... (I am thinking eggs, bread, apples and tuna) I am basically going to starve for the next two weeks until my paycheck, which then will go to all my bills and credit cards. My life sucks. I hate how I have this long weekend off, only because I asked for it off thinking that I would be having fun partying. Now I'm broke, and have nothing to do. My camping trip plan has been foiled due to lack of funds. And I'm soooo sick! I have been sick for over a month with whatever I have and it keeps getting worse. I keep having these crazy coughing fits where I almost puke because I'm coughing so hard and my whole chest is congested and makes wheezing sounds. I'm in rough shape.
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