Well, here is my attempt at an update a week later... What is new? Nada. We drink and party. I go to work hungover. The end. I am so sad that this summer is quickly coming to an end. The school year is going to be sooo very much different. I don't know if I'm going to enjoy it. I'm really bummed out that I haven't received any notices about scholarships yet (and other people have)...especially when I have an awesome cumulative GPA of 3.7 and my yearly GPA was 3.9! I'm also bummed out that I didn't get that TA job for my Research Methods in Cell Biology.... This school year is going to suck...
Today I tried to set up my fan in the window and ended up popping my screen out and it flew out onto the driveway... I tried to run downstairs quick enough to save it but Chris Reid backed over it with his car.....
This is a shitty update but I don't feel like typing right now. I just thought I'd update so you all know I haven't drank myself into a coma yet....
omg gill! i am so sorry about being a completely idiot-head when i met you on the street in fredericton this past weekend!
i was both drunk and high beyond belief...and there is nothing i hate more than talking to people while high and trying to remain totally normal. :S
sorry again! i suck!
oops, that was posted by me, tan-nee.
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