I have done this the past couple years on my blog, so this year has to be the same.
2006: Year End Review.
January: Started out great. New boy. Great New Years Eve Party. Turned out so awful. Lost the boy. Camera broke. I believed someone had cursed the year 2006 on me and I was already looking forward to 2007. We went to the Bushmans Ball (Forestry Formal) where we drank lots of alcohol (of course) in pretty dresses. Meghan almost killed Sheehan with ranch dressing. To top off my stellar month, my laptop broke and I had to reformat and lost all my photos. Arthritis flare-up involving me getting stuck on the couch in pain.
February: My laptop breaks yet again. Frustration sets in for the year 2006. GRRR! A unnamed stranger left an envelope containing a handwritten letter and 40 dollars in my mailbox addressed to me. It was an anonymous good deed so I could buy my starving self some groceries! Kitchen street reunion party involving a very drunk appearance from Gill. I spent my student loan on a new laptop (my ibook!).
March: I went home to Kingston on the mark break and got really sick. School starts taking over my life. Decide I am going to save money and move home for the summer and transfer to the AE in Saint John. Being the indecisive person I am, at the end of the month I decide to find roommates so I can stay at 672 graham paying only 160/mth each. I also develop a really evil sickness again which hinders end of semester studying/paper writing
April: One of my roommates left a special puke surprise outside our front door. My car window was smashed with a beer bottle. Good times in the Ghetto. Pat fucks me over for my summer roommate situation. By this point in time, I'm about ready to give up on the year 2006... Claire and Becca move in at the end of the month, Jess leaves for Germany and the rest of the school roommates move home (cept Sheehan).
May: My camera, that had been broken for months miraculously (and mysteriously) starts to work! We find creepy Italian Mario as a roommate who keeps condoms in the fridge, dances around and conducts music and sat around in suits and black dress shoes all day, all the while scheming on his cell phone in the middle of the night and mysteriously disappearing. Secret Agent? Possibly… Before I could be the detective that I am, he mysteriously left one day without any notice. I met Trevor and we started dating. I also got egged and started developing my nasty bronchitis-like cough that ended up lasting the entire summer.
June: I started working part-time at Kellys Café on the side of AE. They also didn’t work around my schedule so I quit 3 weeks later. Kelly was super scary and banned me from the story for no reason at all. Kinnon moved in with us and I befriended the neighbours at Dolans.
July: Lots of crazy shit happened here. My life felt like a terrible too-much-drama soap opera. Parties parties everywhere. Random adventures downtown in the rain. Pool parties in the middle of the night. You honk we drink. My huge birthday turn out. Started hanging out with some of the best friends I’ve ever had. Trevor and I broke up. Random hookups and standups. Flipflop breakage on the way to dolans and missing rad cap on an attempt to the beach.
August: Nonstop drinking 4 days a week. Great White Night: I started hooking up with Travis. Boatjob. Graham Ave Bender Ender. Basically the end to the best summer of my life. Car remains broken after getting another radiator cap and refuses to come to life. Got the job as a TA for my Research methods in cell biology lab (aka Lisa Lab)
September: Moved downtown with Agni and Forough onto 721 George street. Excellent market/downtown location. Started school with a super hectic courseload, while maintaining 3 jobs: AE, TA, Dishwashing. Super stressful days and nights. Mental breakdowns. Officially started dating Trav on my moncton trip. Kristy and I had our many porch smoke bond sessions.
October: A pretty solid month of drinking and Travis on the weekends. Halloween as a scandalous black cat. Lots of Forest Hills (and Fermwood drive). Yetis took over me.
November: Most of my courses now dropped, lots of hours at AE later and many random moncton trips…I’m still poor. My poor little Hermione died in my hands after living for 2 1/2 years (looong time for a little rattie)
December: Well here I am now. It’s December. How can I sum of December so far? It’s been good. My 7 days off from AE is going by splendidly. I can only forsee the rest of the month being fantastic, especially when everyone comes home for Christmas. Laura Dress-up Tequilla party will be on the 27th at my house!
If extremely bored and you have nothing else better to do, here are links to the previous 2 year end summaries I made:
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