Friday, January 02, 2015

New Years Resolutions

I know a lot of people hate making New Years Resolutions... Specifically because they are notorious for not being followed through.  I enjoy them tho!  I like having goals and what a better time to make them but for the beginning of the new year (and of course right after our Christmas/holiday season binging/overindulging).

So, without further ado, here is my extensive list of resolutions I have set for myself!  (and in listing these publicly I hope to be held more accountable)

1.  Blog more often
2.  Gym (strength training 4 x week)
3.  Gym (cardio for 30 min 2 x week)
4.  Daily planks
5.  Eat mostly paleo and whole foods (occasional cheats are allowed when necessary ie. Eating at travs mom's house for supper, etc.)
6.  Finally quit smoking for good (I quit previously but have been indulging while drinking and during the holidays..oops!) I do not want to allow any cheating on this one.
7.  Yoga daily (ideally low back pain yoga video at the very least..)
8.  Drink more water!! (4L /day goal)

I think this is a good list to start with...and I'm sure a lot of you think this list is too long but I enjoy a good challenge.  Resolutions start today! (ha they always start Jan 2 for me as usually I'm too wrote off on Jan 1...) 

Exception  being smoking.  I started that one yesterday so I'm on day 2! ;) must be off now to start working on these other resolutions!  Good luck with yours!

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