Here's my clutz-move of the day: I was sitting on the couch attempting to read my Bioinformatics textbook when I got distracted by my laptop. As I reached over to grab it, my highlighter rolled off the textbook and under me, so that I was sitting on top of it. Of course I didn't realise and continued to type away to Trav - when I realised "holy crap I have to be at work soon!" When I got up, I had noticed a small odd mark on the green couch cover.... I didn't think anything of it and changed out of my white boxer shorts and back into my jeans... Then I saw it. Highlighter over my shorts. Lots and lots of bright fluorescent highlighter. Ouch. I hope it comes out. I sprayed it down with Oxy stain remover and went to put a bucket full of laundry detergent under the tap in the bathtub - but the shower knob was still pulled up and I didn't notice. Soaking wet arm. Brutal. Off to work I went.
After work I had to quickly run back to campus for more TA training. Now I'm super exhausted and worn out but I have to study for my test. Argh!
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