Saturday night was fun. I worked til 10 and then headed over to the boys place and drank too much. Ended up at Zees and the next morning I had to go to work drunk. It wasn't a lovely sight. I also had to train Nicole on cash that day. I thought I was going to die. I drove home shortly after work on sunday and had thanksgiving dinner with my mom. It was delish and I managed to swipe a bunch of leftovers. I went out with Amanda and some friends to the AQ which was super packed. So packed you could hardly move. I didn't end up seeing a lot of people that I knew, but I did see a few peeps I was happy to see because I haven't seen them in a while! We had an elbow and knee party on the dance floor. Apparently McDicks isn't open late in Saint John anymore -- we travelled the city looking for food after the Q, but with no luck. Thank god for the Big Stop on the highway being open alllll night! I didn't get home til 5am. Exhausted I am.
Amanda and I with our loser faces on. We lost 45s to... Ryan?!

I got back to fredericton around 3:15 today and with all plans to do homework/study for my test on thursday. Did I do that? Nope! Instead I hung out with Kristy and went to the boys house and smoked waaaay too many yetis. I came home after some tv and guitar hero, ate a big meal of leftovers and headed to school to dishwash. So as of now, I've studied for a good 30 minutes today. I win?
I love your elbows...

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