What a friday that turned out to be.
Turns out I drank 9-10 beer on friday night. A bunch of us went on a booze cruise on the mayors boat. My recollections from the night are fuzzy. No, they are pretty much blacked out. The best story I heard from that night was from Travis: Apparently he was talking to the girls from Graham that used to live upstairs from us and they were asking him if he was still dating me, yadda yadda yadda. Then they heard a big bang, and he looked over and Claire and I were on the floor on top of a broken table. Apparently we broke a table! Yeeeesh! At least I'm not the ONLY person to go down in the record books having broke a table on the mayors boat...ahem...DAVE!No recollection of this picture being taken on the boat...nor any pictures for that matter.
The rest of the weekend was fun too, although I didn't drink nearly as much on saturday night for Gorts birthday.Happy 20th Gort!
Now that the weekend is done, I have tons and tons of school work to do... Next friday is the Biology Society pubcrawl and I decided today that I'm going. I'll try not to break any tables...or fall down any stairs...or drink 9-10 beer.
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