Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

A week has passed since my last update. Let's just say its been a crazy stressful work week full of retarded shifts. I'm still sick with a hacking bronchitis-like cough and I'm super exhausted. I was so sick on tuesday that Vanessa had actually sent me home from work. Instead of sleep (like I should have) I chose to drive to Moncton to pick up Mr. Travis and Gort. Since I'm feeling rather lazy and tired, I'll point form the key events of the week that I can recall from my terrible terrible memory.

- rockin out to tunes in my car and busting my speakers
- too many yeti sessions
- lots of late nights and no sleep
- bitchy vs. super friendly christmas shoppers
- customer bitched about me to laura because I wouldn't let her butt in line
- Trav time
- shower for two
- free Tim Hortons: "Uhhh Shouuuuuld....I?"
- double shifting floorset horror
- many floorsets did I work on this week? THREE???
- I love trees and you know it.
- lots of the 3 letter word we all know and love.
- sleepovers all week (why are you so damn comfortable!?)
- stressful times and breakdowns.
- christmas shopping
- laura-gill much needed basement bonding over yetis
- dragging the drunkard to my house (thanks for the help chris reid)

Now, its officially Christmas. It's almost 1am. I arrived home several hours ago. Bored already. Oh kingston. How am I going to make it through tomorrow without smoking any substances of any sorts? Dress-up Tequilla party is drawing near! I tried to go dress shopping after my shift at AE the other day, but the dresses I liked at Le Chateau looked horrid on me. it looks like I'm hosting a dress-up party for Laura's birthday, but I don't even have any dress-up clothes to wear! Why do I always look horrible in dresses?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The work week from hell.

Why is it that every Christmas I get incredibly ill? I could feel my illness creeping over me yesterday during my entire 9 hour shift at American Eagle. It was terrible. After work at 10 I went over to Forest Hills where I drank some beer, smoked some yetis and chilled out with the crew. Farva was the record holder drunk of the night. Grace and Bird showed up and we (Grace, Bird, Miray, Laura, Flynn and I) went to the Dip at 2am for food. When I woke up this morning I was incredibly haggered. I'm still really tired, I feel weak. My body aches. My throat is swollen and sore. I am coughing up phlegm again. In fact I feel exactly like I did when I got sick at the beginning of the summer with that cough that wouldn't go away. Blah. Hope I don't get that again...

The worst part of my day, is not only the fact that I'm sick but I have to go to work on a mini-floorset tonight. Kill me please. I don't think my body can handle all that physical activity.

I still haven't done any christmas shopping. I can't believe I've left it so long. I'M IN THE MALL ALMOST EVERYDAY AT WORK. You'd think I would have done my Christmas shopping long ago. Apparently I'm incredibly lazy. On the plus side, I've pretty much figured out what I'm going to get everyone, although some presents are going to be harder to put together than others. I wish I had more money.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I heart Chris Reid and this picture.

Last night was an absolute shit show. I was wrecked. But it was all in good fun and to randomly celebrate finishing my last (only) exam!! I had thought I had only drank 7 beer last night and wondered how I got so drunk-- only to remember later that Chantal had been feeding you shots of malibu rum. Regardless, last night was a fucked up night. To sum it up: yetis, beer, malibu rum, drama?, puking, tears, getting kicked out of nicky zees twice....and the list goes on. I passed out in the blue recliner at the boys house and woke up the next morning at noon, still partially drunk. It's been a great week off, and tomorrow marks the first day of my work week from hell.

Thank god for my weekend off.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The year 2006.

I have done this the past couple years on my blog, so this year has to be the same.

2006: Year End Review.

January: Started out great. New boy. Great New Years Eve Party. Turned out so awful. Lost the boy. Camera broke. I believed someone had cursed the year 2006 on me and I was already looking forward to 2007. We went to the Bushmans Ball (Forestry Formal) where we drank lots of alcohol (of course) in pretty dresses. Meghan almost killed Sheehan with ranch dressing. To top off my stellar month, my laptop broke and I had to reformat and lost all my photos. Arthritis flare-up involving me getting stuck on the couch in pain.

February: My laptop breaks yet again. Frustration sets in for the year 2006. GRRR! A unnamed stranger left an envelope containing a handwritten letter and 40 dollars in my mailbox addressed to me. It was an anonymous good deed so I could buy my starving self some groceries! Kitchen street reunion party involving a very drunk appearance from Gill. I spent my student loan on a new laptop (my ibook!).

March: I went home to Kingston on the mark break and got really sick. School starts taking over my life. Decide I am going to save money and move home for the summer and transfer to the AE in Saint John. Being the indecisive person I am, at the end of the month I decide to find roommates so I can stay at 672 graham paying only 160/mth each. I also develop a really evil sickness again which hinders end of semester studying/paper writing

April: One of my roommates left a special puke surprise outside our front door. My car window was smashed with a beer bottle. Good times in the Ghetto. Pat fucks me over for my summer roommate situation. By this point in time, I'm about ready to give up on the year 2006... Claire and Becca move in at the end of the month, Jess leaves for Germany and the rest of the school roommates move home (cept Sheehan).

May: My camera, that had been broken for months miraculously (and mysteriously) starts to work! We find creepy Italian Mario as a roommate who keeps condoms in the fridge, dances around and conducts music and sat around in suits and black dress shoes all day, all the while scheming on his cell phone in the middle of the night and mysteriously disappearing. Secret Agent? Possibly… Before I could be the detective that I am, he mysteriously left one day without any notice. I met Trevor and we started dating. I also got egged and started developing my nasty bronchitis-like cough that ended up lasting the entire summer.

June: I started working part-time at Kellys Café on the side of AE. They also didn’t work around my schedule so I quit 3 weeks later. Kelly was super scary and banned me from the story for no reason at all. Kinnon moved in with us and I befriended the neighbours at Dolans.

July: Lots of crazy shit happened here. My life felt like a terrible too-much-drama soap opera. Parties parties everywhere. Random adventures downtown in the rain. Pool parties in the middle of the night. You honk we drink. My huge birthday turn out. Started hanging out with some of the best friends I’ve ever had. Trevor and I broke up. Random hookups and standups. Flipflop breakage on the way to dolans and missing rad cap on an attempt to the beach.

August: Nonstop drinking 4 days a week. Great White Night: I started hooking up with Travis. Boatjob. Graham Ave Bender Ender. Basically the end to the best summer of my life. Car remains broken after getting another radiator cap and refuses to come to life. Got the job as a TA for my Research methods in cell biology lab (aka Lisa Lab)

September: Moved downtown with Agni and Forough onto 721 George street. Excellent market/downtown location. Started school with a super hectic courseload, while maintaining 3 jobs: AE, TA, Dishwashing. Super stressful days and nights. Mental breakdowns. Officially started dating Trav on my moncton trip. Kristy and I had our many porch smoke bond sessions.

October: A pretty solid month of drinking and Travis on the weekends. Halloween as a scandalous black cat. Lots of Forest Hills (and Fermwood drive). Yetis took over me.

November: Most of my courses now dropped, lots of hours at AE later and many random moncton trips…I’m still poor. My poor little Hermione died in my hands after living for 2 1/2 years (looong time for a little rattie)

December: Well here I am now. It’s December. How can I sum of December so far? It’s been good. My 7 days off from AE is going by splendidly. I can only forsee the rest of the month being fantastic, especially when everyone comes home for Christmas. Laura Dress-up Tequilla party will be on the 27th at my house!

If extremely bored and you have nothing else better to do, here are links to the previous 2 year end summaries I made:



Monday, December 11, 2006

I think I'm addicted to cuddling.

Right now I'm at Trav's house in Moncton. The boys are off to school and work so I sit here blogging after I having taken a couple yetis. So far this has been the best 4 days off from work ever! Too bad its soon coming to an end.

Thursday started out like any other day. The night before I had promised myself I would start back up the gym in the morning and like any other time, I did not go. Instead I went and picked up Zac in New Maryland where we proceeded to Forest Hills. Since the yetis had been taken away, I was super hyped up from coffee and too much Halo with the boys. No weed smoking at all! Justin had previously mentioned that if he didn't have to work his call in that day, he would take my shift cause he really wanted to work -- so Wes threw out the idea of going to moncton that night instead of waiting for the boys to possibly come down on friday. I called work to see if Justin had been called in and unfortunately he had, so ... I had to work. But, being the crazy caffeinated girl who missed her boyfriend, decided to go to moncton after her shift was done at AE, at 9pm (a big thanks goes out to the stellar managers who let me leave early). I drove the crap out of poor Bessie, she definitely hates me. I hope she doesn't hate me enough to NOT let me go home today tho.. Wes and I rocked out to the tunes on my ipod on the ride up (whoooo Dixie Chicks - Not ready to make nice!) and had a little bond session. Thursday night in Moncton was pretty chill. We sat around, smoked yetis.. The boys played NHL on Xbox.

Friday morning Wes and I hung out and smoked yetis while the boys were in school. We left for fredericton after Bird was off work and went to the boys place in Forest Hills. We proceeded to get rediculously drunk... Or at least I did. I would describe the rest of the night in detail, except I drank a beer and almost a pint of vodka (and probably more that I don't remember. Possibly a yeti or so. Who knows.) Lets just sum it up like this. I don't remember half the night at Forest Hills...I don't remember going to Kristys house...I don't remember being at Kristys house...I don't remember going to the bar...I don't remember being at the bar...I don't remember walking home from the bar in a tank top... The next memory i have from the night is a few blurry flashbacks after seeing random objects that sparked a few embarassing memories.

Trav and I on saturday morning hung out with some of the crew at Kristys place, awaiting a drive to pick up my car in Forest Hills. We boozed again that night of course, at Kristys place. Hilarious pictures that will soon be posted when I go home today. The memory that stands out from the night was Laura and Gill yeti session out of a pop bottle in the bathroom. Joined by Reid covered in toilet paper. We went to the 20/20 that night.

Sunday morning I drove the boys back to Moncton, where we lazed around, got high, did some homework, etc.

And that brings me to this point in time. I plan on heading back to Fredericton this afternoon, where some room cleaning, studying, and time spent at Forest Hills awaits me. Tomorrow will be the Laura Gill library ritalin weed smoking adventure day.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stolen from Gill Salmon...

Go to your Blog and find the first entry for each month of 2006. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

January: I would post pictures from last night... if my camera would turn on...
February: Miss you so much Dad!!!!! :(
March: Even though its not technically March Break, its basically started for me!
April: Someone friggin puked outside my front door....
May: Today was a good day.
June: I got a new job without hardly lifting a finger at Kellys Cafe/Bouldons on Regent St.
July: Awww I just love this picture of me and my little sis Becca from last night!!
August: Wow I don't know what to say.
September: I'm all moved in!
October: All this school-related stress has got to stop.
November: Here's my attempt at an update.
December: There needs to be more bloggage in my life and less facebook.

Gill = bored, not sleepy and lonely.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Farewell thee yeti, til we meet again.

Today was a pretty action-filled day. It started off by waking up at 10:30 and going to work at AE from 12-4:15. The shift went by super slow at the beginning but picked up about halfway through. Funny how time seems to change from time to time. After work I headed home, cooked my last can of vegetable soup and met Kristy. We proceeded to Miami Tanning where we roasted in some cancer beds. It was great. We headed to the boys place, where we found out that Randy had taken the yeti bong. It had to happen someday, I was just wishing it wasn't today. Or tomorrow. Or the weekend? Anyways, I can cope. I managed to get a couple yetis at Kristys later on in the night during Laura and Mirays Mexi Trip. The hookah came out tonight instead. Love that thing. Perhaps far more than the yeti bong. ....

I'm really thinking its finally time for a little grocery trip. My cupboards consist of spaghetti noodles, popcorn and peanut butter. My fridge consists of half a carton of OJ, half a pack of eggs and a bottle of ketchup. Not much you can make with that combination...

I'm starting to get a headache.. I am also feeling kinda down right now. I've been feeling like this all day really. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be feeling much better on the weekend.

Sunken to a new low.

Is it pathetic that Laura and I, get this, actually considered and talked about bringing her OC dvd and some cds to Digital World to get cash to ... do basement stuff? Isn't that the definition of an addict...selling your possessions?

Well, I'm now done classes officially. All that is left is my Animal Physiology exam. I'm hoping that will be the class I do well in this semester. My two jobs at school are done for the semester. All that I have left this christmas break is AE. And, I work tomorrow and thursday, then get a whole BIG 7 DAYS OFF from working there! It's going to be so great, just the break I need to relieve some stress (minus the studying involved in having an exam that week.) I can see a little Trav time being involved in that work break too;)

I got my room all cleaned up! Clean bedsheets...vacuumed accumulation of dishes (minus the ones I was just eating from two minutes ago)

I win.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

You can't always get what you want.

There needs to be more bloggage in my life and less facebook. My addiction has exceeded my addiction to blogging. That can be no more. My weekend overall was a disappointment but I ended up having a rather good time. I was looking forward to see Mr. Travis, I even washed my bedsheets!! Unfortunately though, his drive fell through because of the freezing rain and he didn't get to come. Miss him. The good news is, after I suffer tomorrow writing a 20 page paper alllll friggin day/night until I finish (it's due monday) I will be done with school until Dec 13 when I write Animal Phys Exam. I also have 8 days off from work starting on friday so plenty of time to study and some Moncton/Trav time. Speaking of Trav, he just called me drunk on his walk home from the bars but he had to go because they started jogging. I hope he calls back...

So my camera batteries are dead and I really wanted to see the REDICULOUS pictures me and Laura took when we were drunk and fucked up friday night. I totally forgot we even took them until tonight. Oh well, I guess I will have to be patient to look at them. It will make them all the more rediculous.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Peter and the Rescue Rangers

I see it's been a while since my last blog entry so I'll do my best to give a full update. I could not have asked for a better weekend off after working for 12 days straight. I went up to Moncton with Wes and Claire. I would almost have to say this weekend was more of a shitshow than my last trip to Moncton! I don't know if I can go more than one week anymore without seeing the lovely Mr. McTravis. This time it was a two-week hiatus. I can't even begin to describe how badly I am falling for this boy. I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking of him.

Anyways, weekend details -- It ended up the majority of the Freddy crew came to moncton at some point or another this weekend. On friday night I arrived in Moncton around 5:30. Heather, Laura, Kristy and Randy had driven up earlier than afternoon to also visit. They drank and hit up the GTB show. Me, Trav, Wes and Bird on the other hand decided to have a fun evening on shrooms. It was the first time I've ever tried them, so I didn't do that much but it was such a great experience. It just made me have this huge body stone where my body felt tingly and my limbs felt heavy. It also made me extremely giddy and happy feeling about everything. All I could do was contemplate everything and make up stories in my head. I had a hard time listening and partaking in conversations around the room because I would just drift off in my head and think. Farva and Miray showed up around 10 that night and surprised us all. A good majority of the crew was there.

Saturday night, Trav, Wes, Bird and I drank and hit up the Oxygen. Travis and I danced all night. Amazing time was had.

I was I was still in Moncton. Or, better yet, I wish Travis was going to school in Fredericton so I could see him more often. I am missing him already.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Phasers...yetis...oh my.

My weekend started on Thursday. I went to class in the morning from 8:30-11:30, quickly ran up to Subway and grabbed a veggie sub and some cookies, and then went to work at AE from 12-7. After my shift I hurried on over to the boys place, served up some yetis and then hit the road to moncton. I felt fine all day, until the middle of the night when I awoke with terrible shooting pains jabbing me in the stomach. I couldn't sleep all night and rolled around in a sweat. I puked 3 times. The next morning while Trav was at school, I made some toast and tried to stomach it. I still kept getting the random bursts of pains/nausea but I kept my composure until later that night when everything came back up. However, I couldn't have felt better after that. I'm thinking perhaps it was food poisoning since I didn't feel sick like I had the flu.

Saturday was a shitshow. First of all, we all forgot it was Remembrance Day and that all the liquor stores were closed. We (Me, Travis, Wes and Bird) took a random trip to Memramcook because we heard there was a convenience store/liquor store there. After a lot of wasted gas and pointless wandering we headed back because the mysterious Esso was nowhere to be found. We ended up buying bootlegged alcohol from some sketchy old woman. Oh Prince Igor, you treated us well. We played Beerslut and Bird got all 4 of the Aces (Rule: Bottoms UP). Needless to say, we were all pretty fucking drunk. We hit up the Oxygen later on. I bet he doesn't remember this, but I seem to recall a drunk Mr. Travis singing James Blunt "Your Beautiful" to me while we danced to it. I also recall him singing it to me as we were looking for our cab. Anyways, the night only gets better from here. During our cab ride home this really drunk lady pulls out in front of us in a car -- literally swerving right and left all over the whole 4-laned Mountain Road. The cabbie called her plates in. Wheeeeeewwww.... When she stopped at the light, she was asleep when it turned green, so Brad Bird gets out of the cabbie van and opens her door and says: "You need to take a time out and pull your car into that parking lot. I called the cops." She just flips him the finger, and takes off. Hilarious. The cab ride home ended short, and that called for a reckless walk home. Reckless indeed. Many many letters from signs were stolen, and my birks were lost in a mountain of mud. Yes, they were saved by the Mr. McTravis himself, but they will never be the same again.

Why is it that whenever I get a new pair of birks, they always end up covered knee deep in mud?

I was 20 minutes late for my staff meeting at AE today. Bessie, why must you treat me like that sometimes...

We watched Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers tonight after a yeti session. Oh, I miss my childhood.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

At first glance I thought that was a squid...but then I realised its just a bag full of jewels.

Work yesterday was great. The time just flew by. It was the most slack 8 hour shift I've ever had, working with fun people. After work last night I headed over to the boys place. (I know, I should have studied...) I sat in the basement and played Columns with Miray and smoked yetis. Yetis and Columns now rule me. Pathetic? I think so. But I'm the Columns Master...BAHAHA!

I'm dying to go over there right now for the afternoon before my shift tonight at 6, but thats only because I'm super bored. I do have work I could be doing....but....

Monday, November 06, 2006

In high seas or low seas, I'm going to be your friend

I'm having one of those down days again where I skip class to sleep in and end up feeling shitty and depressed when I wake up. I wish I could only continue to sleep and lay in bed...not get up and shower and study and go to work for 8 hours. It's days like these that the distance between us is even harder. The times when I wish he was here so we could do what we do best: lay in bed and waste away the day. I don't want to be laying here in bed alone right now...

I totally bombed my Animal Phys midterm on friday morning, I know it. Probably due to the fact that I didn't go to class for the last two weeks...nor did I finish reading all my notes over even once.....and probably yetis instead of studying doesn't help either. I have my Bioinformatics test tomorrow morning and I'm working 2-10 today. I'm an idiot for not studying sooner.

Do you really need to pay attention to the alarm

The two-week stretch didn't happen. I caved and drove to Moncton on friday afternoon. Trav, Bird and I drank and went on an expensive cabbing adventure, stopping at the Cosmo and then ending up at the Voodoo. A ruckus was caused on the drunken walk back to their apartment.

Saturday, as hungover as I was, I took Travis to the mall so I could use my discount to buy him some new jeans that actually FIT him. Unfortunately I had to drive home by 4 because I had a shift at AE that night. This long weekend coming should be a jolly good time because I have the weekend off of work and its a weekend-Moncton trip pour moi!

Random Memory from tonight at the Boys place:

"Hahaha, just picture Reid doing that!" - me (when watching Brian (off Family Guy) running an obstacle course.
"Hey, thats not me!" - Reid in defence;

"Oh wait...yeah....thats definitely me." - Reid after watching Brian wait a table and grind parmasean on the customers plates.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy November!

Here's my attempt at an update. The weekend ended up being a blast. Friday night I hung out with the group, did too many yetis and ended up back at my house with Trav. We chilled, ordered pizza and fell asleep. Saturday night we all dressed up at the boys place and I ended up at some random party with the Channel 4 News Team (aka Trav, Wes, Farva and Reid). Oddly enough Lisa from AE was there too. Strange indeed. We then hit up Sweets and I danced with Brian Fantana on the dance floor for a very long time;) A lot of free drinks/shots ended up in my stomach as well. And of course delicious Jacks pizza and walking home to my house in the pouring rain with Travis. On sunday I decided to drive the boys back to moncton and I stayed the night. Yes, that involved a little class skippage as well. Needless to say I dropped Virology because I didn't show up/study for the midterm. I don't want to have to go another two weeks before seeing him again. It's brutal. The first week usually goes by pretty quickly, but week number two sucks. And the fact that his computer is busted makes it worse because we can't really talk.

For some reason I can't get my Halloween pics to post, so I'll post them later tonight :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I need to clean my room.

Well it's happened again. Although this time its different - I didn't mean to sleep in and skip my class today. My alarm didn't go off, or maybe I turned it off in my sleep. But either way I woke up and my class had already started. Fuck. This was a terrible class to skip. Ugh! My plan for the day is to study study study... something I haven't done in a really long long time. I need to pull myself together and get my act in gear.

I hope this weekend is super fun! I wish I wasn't working so much at AE. Vanessa lent me a super scandelous black cat costume for Halloween. I've been trying to modify it so its a bit less scandelous but I still look super rediculous when I'm wearing it. Yeaaaah.

Last night after work, I spent the evening at the boys place with Kristy and Laura (and the other usuals showed up of course). I don't think I've ever done so many yetis in such a short time span. Gross. I need to stop.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What am I doing with my life?!

I don't know what's wrong with me. This week I've skipped my classes on both monday and wednesday (today). I just can't seem to drag myself out of bed in the morning, no matter how important it is that I don't skip my hardest class (Virology). I almost didn't go to Bioinformatics yesterday either. Ugh. I feel like I'm going to fail and its like I don't even care. I just want out of school right now. I have no motivation to study. I don't really have any motivation to do anything. I just feel like being artistic and crafty again... I feel like painting pictures like I used to do. All I do now is hang out with my friends and get stoned. I've been putting that before schoolwork which I cannot do when I'm in 4th year honours. Frig I'm being an idiot but I don't know how to stop. I feel like I have way too much responsibility this year and I can't hack it. Mentally or physically. No one else understands how I'm feeling right now either... I just keep telling myself to make it through this semester and it will be ok. But really, even if I can make it through with just a pass, that means my GPA will drop and I won't graduate on Deans List, something I've worked SO very hard to get since my first year I fucked off like I am now (I had a 2.3). I've managed to get my cumulative GPA up to a 3.7 in these last 6 years....I can't lose it now but at the same time I don't care. Maybe I should drop Virology. I don't know. If I become part time I'm letting my lab prof down since I have to be full time all year to be TA. Being a TA is an awesome thing to have on my resume, but I can't handle school right now. Ohhhh I feel so stupid. These past few weeks I feel like crying every night. I really haven't done a thing productive. What am I doing with myself?!!! I've never felt this bad before. I don't want to be one of those fucked up girls. I'm too stressed out and I want to go back to bed...But I slept for 12 hours last night! I also have an extremely stressful day ahead of me -- I have to head up to school soon and go to TA consult hours and try to help students out with questions I don't know how to do because I'm an idiot...then I get to TA a busy open lab for 3 hours and try to help students out with labs I don't remember because I don't have enough motivation to study the years worth of labs before going.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Biology/Chemistry Pubcrawl = SUCCESS

That was such a random time. The lineup:
  • ?-7 - Grad house
  • 7-9 - 20/20
  • 9-11 - Bugaboo
  • 11-12 - Capital
  • 12-2 - Zees
Some highlights of the night: - The BioBabes!

- Steve and I had this evil plan to get Dave stoned alllll night because he refuses to smoke during the school year -- but I convinced him at the Capital to go for a "walk" with Steve and I... and got him stoned in the Alley!

- Best Comment written on the front of my shirt, courtesy of Andrew: "I'm fermenting to CH3CH2OH" (that's ethanol for you non-scientists....and yes, ethanol = alcohol!)

- Quote: "Gill's a boy!" - Chantal, when referring to the fact that I hung out with the boys pretty much all night.

- Quote: "I used to hate you because I thought you were too pretty to be in the science library"-a different Chantal that I don't really know.

- Way too many free shots.

- Running into Ryan at Zees.

- Ending the night with Jacks Pizza.

Monday, October 16, 2006

What a friday that turned out to be.

Turns out I drank 9-10 beer on friday night. A bunch of us went on a booze cruise on the mayors boat. My recollections from the night are fuzzy. No, they are pretty much blacked out. The best story I heard from that night was from Travis: Apparently he was talking to the girls from Graham that used to live upstairs from us and they were asking him if he was still dating me, yadda yadda yadda. Then they heard a big bang, and he looked over and Claire and I were on the floor on top of a broken table. Apparently we broke a table! Yeeeesh! At least I'm not the ONLY person to go down in the record books having broke a table on the mayors boat...ahem...DAVE!

No recollection of this picture being taken on the boat...nor any pictures for that matter.

The rest of the weekend was fun too, although I didn't drink nearly as much on saturday night for Gorts birthday.

Happy 20th Gort!

Now that the weekend is done, I have tons and tons of school work to do... Next friday is the Biology Society pubcrawl and I decided today that I'm going. I'll try not to break any tables...or fall down any stairs...or drink 9-10 beer.

Friday, October 13, 2006


My bioinformatics test yesterday didn't go so well so I think. But I guess only time will tell. I basically guessed on every question.

Annnnyways, its FRIDAY THE 13TH TODAY!!! I absolutely HEART MY FRIDAYS because its the only true day of the week where I get to rest because 1. I only have two classes in the morning and I'm done by 10:30 and 2. I never ever have to work! This better be a DAMNGOOD friday the 13th. A friday the 13th to go down in the record books!

Maybe I should get off my something productive....maybe do some laundry, clean the ratties cage...clean my the some food... Mmmmmm foood.....*drool*

Thursday, October 12, 2006

And the time ticks away...

I've come to a conclusion: I can no longer go to the science library to study. I just know waaay too many people there and it just becomes a social gathering. Kristy can vouche for that. I just have to learn how to lock myself away in my room and study without being distracted, particularly by msn and the internet. Looks like I'm not doing a good job though, seeming as I have a midterm at 8:30am tomorrow morning and I have hardly studied at all for it! But I'm pooped and to the point where I almost don't care. Maybe I'll just try to get up really early to finish studying. Well, either way I'm going to be "not ready" and "extremely tired". Maybe I should just try to cut down the tiredness by going to bed but in doing so increase the not readiness.

P.S.. The red-headed librarian with the glasses kicked me out of the library today for having coffee in my travel mug. So don't worry Jenn, its not just a grudge against you.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gill's Clutz move of the Day.

Here's my clutz-move of the day: I was sitting on the couch attempting to read my Bioinformatics textbook when I got distracted by my laptop. As I reached over to grab it, my highlighter rolled off the textbook and under me, so that I was sitting on top of it. Of course I didn't realise and continued to type away to Trav - when I realised "holy crap I have to be at work soon!" When I got up, I had noticed a small odd mark on the green couch cover.... I didn't think anything of it and changed out of my white boxer shorts and back into my jeans... Then I saw it. Highlighter over my shorts. Lots and lots of bright fluorescent highlighter. Ouch. I hope it comes out. I sprayed it down with Oxy stain remover and went to put a bucket full of laundry detergent under the tap in the bathtub - but the shower knob was still pulled up and I didn't notice. Soaking wet arm. Brutal. Off to work I went.

After work I had to quickly run back to campus for more TA training. Now I'm super exhausted and worn out but I have to study for my test. Argh!

Monday, October 09, 2006

"That Amanda, always pooping" - Josh

Claire and I at Dolans for Alexander's birthday (Thursday)

Saturday night was fun. I worked til 10 and then headed over to the boys place and drank too much. Ended up at Zees and the next morning I had to go to work drunk. It wasn't a lovely sight. I also had to train Nicole on cash that day. I thought I was going to die. I drove home shortly after work on sunday and had thanksgiving dinner with my mom. It was delish and I managed to swipe a bunch of leftovers. I went out with Amanda and some friends to the AQ which was super packed. So packed you could hardly move. I didn't end up seeing a lot of people that I knew, but I did see a few peeps I was happy to see because I haven't seen them in a while! We had an elbow and knee party on the dance floor. Apparently McDicks isn't open late in Saint John anymore -- we travelled the city looking for food after the Q, but with no luck. Thank god for the Big Stop on the highway being open alllll night! I didn't get home til 5am. Exhausted I am.

Amanda and I with our loser faces on. We lost 45s to... Ryan?!

I got back to fredericton around 3:15 today and with all plans to do homework/study for my test on thursday. Did I do that? Nope! Instead I hung out with Kristy and went to the boys house and smoked waaaay too many yetis. I came home after some tv and guitar hero, ate a big meal of leftovers and headed to school to dishwash. So as of now, I've studied for a good 30 minutes today. I win?

I love your elbows...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What a DRUNK thanksgiving weekend..

This weekend has been turning into a drunkfest, almost Graham style. Thursday night was Alexander Keiths 211th birthday so we turned to him for some good drunkin fun. I managed to con the liquor store guy to let us have an extra free glass because me and Kristy were splitting a 12 pack and it came with a nice mug. We went to Dolans that night ... and needless to say I told Phil to take good notes for me in the morning because there was no way I was going to be able to get up to go to class in the AM. I also left class early on thursday -- so that means I've started my long weekend at 10:45am on thursday morning. It so feels like it should be a sunday right now, but its actually saturday so thats throwing me off real bad!

Last night we again drank at the boys place and then headed out to Sweets. Sweets was ok, but I still prefer just staying and drinking at the boys place most of the time. I'm not a real dance bar fan, but we will probably end up at one again tonight. Only time will tell. But in the meantime I have to do some laundry, and get ready for workie work tonight from 6-10. I'm glad its Vanessa who's closing with me tonight AND opening tomorrow. Thank god for awesome coworkers.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oh Zoo lab, I miss you.

I was reading very old blog entries from when I first moved to fredericton for school in 2004 when I came across this picture I had taken:

Why can't my labs be this much fun this year?!! I had a great time being silly in Zoology lab with Chris. Speaking of Chris, he's back this year after a long hiatus. He now has a kid, and a fiance too! And drove me home today:P Jenn, remember when you thought he was the "crying train boy?"

Well, I gotta leave for work at AE soon...I'm taking Roger's shift today from 12-6 to earn some extra $$!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My body is officially run down from stress and lack of sleeeeeep...

The animal phys midterm went pretty well considering I didn't study too much (knock on wood). But I am hoping I got real lucky with my guestimating skills and pulled off an A or hopefully an A+. Only time will tell tho! It feels like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I dropped my lab. IT FEELS GREAT! It feels great that I could come home after TAing my lab today and actually RELAX. And by relax I mean do laundry/clean the kitchen and my room. Speaking of laundry, my bedsheets are still in the dryer. Ugh. The worst feeling in the world is being super exhausted but you can't crawl into bed until you put your sheets back on. Blah!

Tomorrow, being Alexander Keiths day will bring drunkin fun at Dolans. I'm excited, but I'm going to be totally wrote off on friday morning for class......

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Screwed for Animal Phys? I think so...

I'm giving up on studying even though I haven't yet studied enough. On another note I dropped the lab in hopes of destressifying myself a little bit. A little bit being the keyword because really, even if I only had one class I always end up stressing myself out. It's just the person that I am. I hope that this weekend at least offers more destressifying than last. I am just so overtired that what I read is not being retained. I need to go to bed early for once. I wish I wasn't feeling so down all the time lately. I need my summer back. I need to be stress-free and happy about my life. Have I ever been really happy about who I am and where I'm going though? When I read through my old blog on livejournal I seemed really sad most of the time. Most people don't picture me that way though. I need to have more confidence in myself. A lot of people lately have been ruining my confidence, putting me down, not believing in me. People that I thought were my friends have been rude -- in more ways than one -- when I contemplating taking this year off from school they said they were "not surprised" which actually surprises me alot considering last year the majority of my free time was spent in the library. Ok, sure, I'm a distraction in the library. Half the time I socialize with all my friends at the library more than I actually study. Or I drift off into my own world and not really read what is written down on my page. But that's just me. I don't think that school is everything in life. If you don't have friends, what do you have? Money? Money can't make you ultimately happy. I don't know why people have doubts in my abilities to do well in school - even though I'm not that huge on studying hardcore I always come out with decent marks, most of the time these marks are as good as (or better) as these people who put me down who spend their entire lives studying. I'm done with these people.

I'm done ranting now. I'm going to mosy (mozy?) around for a bit, make a lunch for tomorrow and hit the hay. I'm exhausted in everyway.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Having a real mental breakdown.

All this school-related stress has got to stop. I'm in tears from my lab. Actual tears! I'm at the point where I don't care if I owe the government a few thousand dollars for becoming part-time for this semester and having to give back my student loan because at least I won't be crying and stressing every single day about this lab. I think a few thousand dollars is well worth keeping my sanity.

This is such a big decision.

I'm still awake?!?

Maybe I was being a bit too moody this weekend and that's why I wrote that post yesterday.. Anyways, the little time that was spent was still great. Last night I had to work til 5am doing the floorset at AE. Afterwards I went home and tried to call Trav (he told me to call) but he was passed out and didn't answer his phone. I got into bed and layed there for a good 30 minutes, possibly drifting in and out of sleep (I couldn't tell if I had fallen asleep or not). My cell rang at 5:40am and it was him. He was being kicked out of Reid's bed so I offered to go pick him up (he was hammered, haha!) He's lucky I'm a good girlfriend because I was already in bed! I believe we both passed out this morning at 7am and got up at 11am. A good ol 4 hours of sleep. Now I'm struggling to stay awake and study/work on my lab. I'm just home on a break for supper. I'm probably heading back to the library soon, but I'm debating a short 30 minute nap. I don't really have the time to spare, but I'm pretty useless on 4 hours of sleep. I also have to dishwash tonight. BLAH!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

not impressed.

This weekend kinda sucked and its nothing like I thought it would be. This isn't the stress reliever I was hoping for. I'm extremely hungover right now and very disappointed. Last night I went to Grace's and we all drank our faces off (the girls) and went to Grand Theft Bus at the Cellar. The rest of the night is extremely blacked out. I ended up being forced into a jager shot and then had to go puke in the Cellar bathroom. I walked home all alone in the dark. Today is very disappointing too.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Gill's Weekly Stress Forecast - In the Extreme-High Category

Ahhhh I feel on the edge. I am always on the edge these days! I feel like even when I am trying to take a breather, its not a real breather because I just keep worrying about all the work I have to do and that I shouldn't be taking a break. In fact, I haven't done a thing all day yet. Ugh! On another note, Kinnon was suppose to be driving me and some other peeps up to Moncton tonight to party for Brianne's birthday, but apparently that has been cancelled. That was the only thing I have been looking forward to during my week of hell. And next week is going to be even MORE hellish if that's even possible. Last night I took a break off studying after work and went out to the Capital with Reid, Kristy, Laura, Heather, Grace and Flynn. It was pretty empty and I was driving but it was still an alright time. Nothing like the summer though. Grand Theft Bus is playing tonight at the Cellar and we are all going to go dress up and get bombed. Well, the bombed part was my plan for myself, but the dress up part was Grace's idea. I am not a dressy person so the most you'll see me in is a hippyish skirt. Hah.

Right now I'm extremely bored and to tame my boredom I "should" be either working on my hellish lab report OR studying animal physiology.. Maybe I'll do that...or maybe not. I'm not focused enough right now to do anything productive. My mind keeps drifting. I'm craving a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Second Cup.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Readers beware...

I am having such a horrible day already, and its only 12 noon. I just feel like complete crap and I want to lay in my bed under my covers and cry. But I can't because I have so much homework, studying, and I have to work at AE tonight. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. I must be the dumbest person in my classes and I can't handle it. Even my professor makes me feel like a complete idiot. I got 2/12 on the popquiz in my advanced lab class and if that didn't make me look stupid enough, the assignment that I had passed was passed back to me saying I could try again and resubmit for full marks. So I tried again, and resubmitted but she sat me down and tried to explain how to do it but made me feel so stupid. Then she has the nerve to ask me if I took Biology 2025 (Lisa's Lab) and I reply with "YES I'm the TA!". She just gave me the "oh" in the tone of voice that made it sound like she was really trying to say: "Why the hell would they pick someone as stupid as you to be a TA in that lab!" Anyways, regardless I just want to cry. What the hell am I doing with my life?!? If I can't even do simple dilutions and lab calculations then why the hell am I trying to get into research and lab work --- why the hell am I a TA?! Why am I even in biology?! If I can't do biology then what can I do?! I clearly couldn't make it through Computer Science or Arts. I've already been there done that. And what else is there?? Work at American Eagle for the rest of my life? Hell, I'm not even a good salesperson, I suck at pushing clothes onto people. The only thing I think I'm good at at AE is folding clothes and making them look pretty. I'm not even a good dishwasher for the biology department. I'm a clutz and all I do is break things. Jeez. Maybe its all this stress about school and working too much is finally getting to me. I don't know. I'm sad and confused and stressed out.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Moncton Trip

Turns out my Moncton trip with Claire and ol'Bessie was a success! My car had zero problems! We left freddy on friday and came back today (sunday). I had tons of fun with Trav. Wes and Bird also came up for the weekend. Both nights were a shitshow. Friday night we made it out to the Voodoo. I drank a pint of rum. I really gotta stop doing that -- I don't remember walking to the bar at all, but I do remember the bar (surprisingly!). Saturday night we went to some random party and didn't make it out due to some drunk shananagans! Our days consisted of laying hungover in bed and doing yetis. Why the hell not.

Oh PS, turns out I'm no longer single:P

Picture from BoatJob night at the end of August:

Thursday, September 21, 2006



I'm crazy ecstatic right now!!!!!

Can you guess why??

BESSIE IS BACK!!! Bessie my car!!! I've been without her for over 2 months and she is fixed and sitting in my driveway at home in kingston. My mom is on her way right now to come pick me up and drive me home so I can drive my car back. oh my god life with a car again. Sawweeeeeet!

If you only saw me right now... I feel like dancing around the room. I have a huge smile on my face that just won't go away.. I feel like laughing evilly with Claire.... BAHAHAAAAA!!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The smell of autumn

I am absolutely in love with this time of year! Autumn is crisp and cool. Not too cold, not too hot and muggy. The smell of pumpkin pie and dressing up for Halloween. The colourful leaves in the air. Forough and I just had a 10 minute conversation about how much we love the fall.

Anyways, I would like to mention that a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. That would be Advanced Biochem. I dropped it today and re-added Animal Phys. I just don't have that much time to put into Biochem right now. I feel way less stressed out already, although other things have been taking their toll on me instead. I was feeling really down and stressed out last night and earlier this morning/afternoon. But I'm beginning to feel much better now. Maybe it was the walk and talk with Forough to Second Cup and Quiznos...or the fresh fall air.

Lisa's Lab demonstrating went well today. I got to do the Micropipette and Glass pipette lab. The worst part of the lab was telling the students that they didn't get the right results and had to redo it. Especially when I had to make them redo things more than once. Oh well. It's better that they learn from their mistakes now, then make a mistake in a crucial lab down the road.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Funniest picture ever.

I can't help but post this picture because I didn't remember it being taken, but once I saw it I laughed for a good 10 minutes straight. It's going to be one of those pictures for me, that when I'm feeling down I'll just look at it and can't help but crack a smile (and possibly another laugh!)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

At least I didn't fall in a ditch and DIE....

Instead I just fell. Numerous times. They have one of my falls on video right outside of Tims. Oh noooo. I also got hit in the back of my heel with the Subway door. I don't know how this was possible but it gashed my heel and I started bleeding profusely. EVERYWHERE. I think I bled nonstop for a good 45 minutes. My flip flops are ruined with blood. To make it worse, Trav tripped and kicked me in the heel after it had stopped and it started again. Other than that friday night was a great time. Saturday was also great. Man, being drunk on antibiotics is awesome. I can't remember a thing. I have a vague recollection of some sketchy alley with some sketchy food joint. It was very very odd! I have the entire next weekend off and I'm hoping to hit up Moncton...that is I would really love to find a drive there, but I might have to take the bus.

Right now I'm waiting for the dishwasher up in the Biology building to finish. It still has a good hour left on it unfortunately. Why oh why did I ask for the weekend shift for dishwashing?!?! I have to do it all alone and it is taking sooo long. I have honestly never seen so many buckets full of dirty test tubes. It sickened me to see them when I walked in that I almost puked a little. So far I've been here for a little over 2 hours, and I"ve already broke 5 test tubes and the dishwasher is leaking soapy water all over the floor. Why the hell am I such a clutz!?! Today at work I knocked the markdown gun onto my toe. OOOWWWW!

If I realised that dishwashing was going to take this long....I would have brought my homework to school. Fuck I suck.

Percy, my landlord is a creep who likes to creep around the house, spy on us, and yell at us for having parties.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Monday night I ended up going out with everyone for Miray and Grace's bdays -- we ended up at Boston Pizza. It was a good time! Tuesday I went to the Capital for a bit, but left early as I had a crazy day on wednesday...class from 8:30am-12:30...cellar for first day of being a TA! then I had to go immediately to work at AE from 5-10 and then back to the university to dishwash (luckily there were absolutely NO DISHES!) Last night I went to the boys place and then to Dolans. Tonight everyone is drinking here and then we are heading out to a show for Harvest Jazz and Blues. It is going to be a good time, I can just sense it. I'm on antibiotics right now though, for this nasty cough that won't go away.... (I've had it for over 4 months!) Hopefully I don't fall in a ditch and die tonight. My stomach is rotting right now from the antibiotics, ouch.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why do I do this to myself!?

Seriously, why do I feel the need to take the hardest courses....and work 3 jobs?! I'm crazy. That's what everyone keeps telling me. Maybe I should drop a course, but that just means I'll have to pick up those credit hours next semester in order to graduate. Other people tell me to drop one of my jobs, but I can't. Dishwashing for the Bio department is a joke and is easy money....My TA position will be great experience and great on my resume....and American Eagle is well...American Eagle! I've been there for 14 months and I'm one of the only remaining seniors...and not to mention the discount. I can't quit. So either I suck it up and become a hermit, or I have to drop a course.

Blah! What to do, what to do.

I'm suppose to go to Mexi's tonight for a bday gathering.

Right now I'm practicing the art of procrastionation from some ABC (ABC=Advanced BioChemistry) I need to start using my time more wisely. I just asked Agni how I can do that...and she laughs and said "Don't ask me!". Daaaammmmn. I live with another procrastinator. Agni suggested that I become NOT addicted to msn. But it's not even that...if there is no one online to talk to, I'll blog or read other blogs or look at pictures or check the weather 10 times....I'll do anything in my power not to study and to just waste time.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I'm chronically sick.

Uggggh, I feel so sick and stuffed up! I'm just eating some oatmeal and getting ready for workie work. I wish I could call in sick again but I did last night and I need the money. Friday night was a great time -- we partied over at Reids place -- drank, did a bunch of yetis and had a secret Reid Fashion Show in his bedroom. Basically it involved Laura, Kristy and I dancing around in his room with his clothes on .... we were later joined by Miray and Kinnon. Good times. We have hilarious pictures. I ended up going to Sweets with some of the boys where many drinks and shots were bought. Afterwards we ended back up at Reids where we did more yetis and played cards. Most of the night is a blurrrrr! Miray drove me home at 4am, where I made an omelette (I'm deducing from all the dirty dishes and stuff in front of my computer in the morning and the empty egg carton on the kitchen counter!) Anyways, apparently I spilled omelette grease on my CPP form to fill out... Eeks. I hope they still accept it....

Well, I better go straighten my hair!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Bad Day?

Yesterday could be considered a day of hell in the life of Gill. Classes started. I started to nod off in my 3 hour Bioinformatics class which is at 8:30am, even though the prof only talked for an hour. That's not a good start to the year. To make it worse, this class is twice a week! Not a good start to the year, thats for sure. Anyways, after class I walked home and my feet started to get sore, in a very odd spot. Later on when I was at work I was limping around because the pad of my right foot was so sore I couldn't put any pressure on it.

To make things go even better, I found out that Trevor 99% sure cheated and lied to me when we were together, with some ESL girl. Apparently he told his friend not to tell me because I thought he went home to hampton. What a loser. Ten minutes later I found out more bad news about another boy, but now I believe that someone is just trying to stir up some shit. Regardless, I hate boy drama. Why can't I just find someone who really cares about me? I feel so confused right now. I wish this weekend could have gone as originally planned -- I was really looking forward to it. I can't deny that I miss Trav a lot.

Well, at least the night ended up well -- I ended up at Dolans where I ran into a bunch of old friends!

My foot has gone back to hurting today. Damn all this walking around. I'm so not used to it! I need to get back into gym mode, but how can I get back into gym mode when I can't even walk because my feet hurt?!

Ok.... right now there is some guy outside the living room window painting or doing something, I can't see his hand and its making lots of noise. This is really creepy. I'm sprawled out here on the couch in my boxers. HAH!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well, its that hectic time of year again..

Classes officially start tomorrow. I have class from 8:30-11:30am, then I have to walk up to the mall and work from 1-5:15. Yuck. I'm going to be exhausted. I also promised I would head to Dolans that night... I don't think I'll be able to make it considering I have class from 8:30-12:30 the following morning!!

Anyways, here are the classes I'm registered for if any of you are interested (probably not tho!):

- Bioinformatics
- Adv. Biochem
- Adv. Eukaryotic cell lab
- Virology
- Animal Physiology

Today was a busy day. It consisted of waking up super early (after staying up til 3:30am because I was drunk at the Capital that Tues night) and going to training for my lab demonstrator position for the course Research Methods in Cell Biology. After that was over, I came home and made supper and spent the evening with Agni at the mall and running errands. My student loan came in so (stupidly) I decided to blow a bunch of money...on a new cell phone, shoes, school supplies and underwear from AE (hey...I get 50% off on it for two weeks, I couldn't resist!). Now I'm scared to check out my bank account for the major dent I put in it today... Oh well, what can you do...

It sucks that a certain someone moved to Moncton...

Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm a hat thief.

I'm all moved in! 721 George street. Beautiful old house with the big porch! I am absolutely loving it here, its an awesome location (although I wish work wasn't so damn far away!) I had a porch party the other day to celebrate moving in. A lot of my graham friends showed up, people I didn't expect to see. It was a blast! God I'm going to miss these guys and gals. Oh so much.

P.S. My blog now needs a new name...Anyone have any suggestions?

My favorite Porch Party Picture:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 2 of living downtown

I'm very much enjoying the whole downtown atmosphere, its more classy than the Graham Ghetto, thats for sure --- but I can't deny that I don't miss the partying/broken beer bottles/garbage/duct tape graffiti of the ghetto. I'm sure a few small porch parties will fill the empty void. The more I sit here in Second Cup, the more interesting characters I see walk by the window waiting for the bus.

Miray came and met up with me here @ Second Cup yesterday and offered to drive me to Sobeys to get some food so I wouldn't starve the rest of the week. Very nice gesture! When I got home I was lonely and bored....Agni was still at work and there was no internet so I ended up working on my picture project and fell asleep on my mattress on the floor for 2 hours. When I woke up, I was greeted with stolen internet! Apparently once and a while you can pick up internet signal for short random periods of time. I ended up watching Family Guy on my computer for 3 hours and then passing out in my bed once again. I had a horrible sleep last night, I kept waking up coughing.

I have to work tonight for the second half of floorset from 9pm to 3am. I hope Rob isn't too mad at me for missing sunday and monday. There go all my hours for the week. Oh well, you can't help when your sick. I still feel like shit but I can't miss another day!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Well, quite a bit of time has passed since my last update. I can't even begin to describe how awesome this summer has been but my liver and my lungs are paying for it now. I'm sitting here in Second Cup using the internet and drinking white hot chocolate. I called in sick to work today because I feel like absolute shit and I woke up with hardly no voice, a stuffed up nose and a cough. I look like the biggest dirt bag in here at Second Cup. Greasy hair, hoodie.... hot. I have my cough drops and cold/flu meds sitting beside me here on the table. I need some pain medicine too but I packed my advil away in one of my random boxes or bags and I don't know where to search for it. My back and legs are killing me right now from all the moving we did last night.

This weekend has been insanely fun and I will post many many pictures on my msn space when I get around to it. Friday night was boatjob where we partied on a boat for 2 hours. Saturday night was our "Graham Ave Bender Ender". So many good times and memories from this summer! Yesterday everyone had to pack up our bags and part ways. Thanks to Travis for helping me move everything I owned all friggin day.

I'm going to miss my roommates from the summer too. I couldn't have asked for better people..

Becca -- I'm glad we moved back in together for the summer, we are both much more mature people now and its nice to know we can get along now as sisters and as friends.
Claire -- I will miss you and our evil laughing and stealing juice... And our boy talks of course. Porch Parties and backyard parties!!!!
Kinnon -- I'm glad we had a chance to live together this summer because I made an awesome new friend. Your one of the nicest people I know.
Catherine -- Lately we have had a few setbacks but I do love you and I hope we can move past things and remain friends because I think you are super awesome.

I couldn't have asked for better neighbours either. I hope the school year remains just as fun and we all keep in touch! I really don't want to head back to Agni's place... It's so lonely there with no internet and she is working until 10. I'm so used to 672 Graham always having people around.... I've been here in second cup for an hour and a half... I'm a loser... I should leave soon or else people are going to wonder what the heck I'm doing....

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Girl Next Door

Well, here is my attempt at an update a week later... What is new? Nada. We drink and party. I go to work hungover. The end. I am so sad that this summer is quickly coming to an end. The school year is going to be sooo very much different. I don't know if I'm going to enjoy it. I'm really bummed out that I haven't received any notices about scholarships yet (and other people have)...especially when I have an awesome cumulative GPA of 3.7 and my yearly GPA was 3.9! I'm also bummed out that I didn't get that TA job for my Research Methods in Cell Biology.... This school year is going to suck...

Today I tried to set up my fan in the window and ended up popping my screen out and it flew out onto the driveway... I tried to run downstairs quick enough to save it but Chris Reid backed over it with his car.....

This is a shitty update but I don't feel like typing right now. I just thought I'd update so you all know I haven't drank myself into a coma yet....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Another wicked week

Wow summer is just flying by! Tuesday we all got really drunk and hit up the Capital for Kinnon's birthday. Wednesday I decided to take it easy and thursday I got drunk and went to Dolans (as per usual!) The highlight of the night on thursday was probably all my free drinks which led to me falling down the stairs by the bathrooms at Dolans....not once, but TWICE! Let me tell ya, my ass hurts A LOT right now. Last night we started drinking at 7:30 and eventually headed down to Sweets. Jacks pizza was the best thing that ever happened.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy Birthday FARVA!

It's 1am and I'm blogging because I can't fall back asleep. I fell asleep at 11:30 and woke up at 12:30 wide awake, ack! Now I'm just sitting in my room in the dark, having a lonely sad moment to myself I guess. It's been a great weekend, but now its over and I have more time to myself to think about things. Swimming last night was great, so was those wicked chicken strips we ate over in #2. Today was also great, there was at least ten people in #2 hanging out and getting baked, and none of us live there! We actually crawled through the window to get in, hehe! I don't really have anything substantial to write about right now -- I think those 2 gravol I popped are starting to kick in a little. Tomorrow is Kinnon's 21st Birthday so there will probably be drinking involved. Just what my body needs! I think my liver and my lungs are going to fail by the end of the summer. Not to mention all the brain cells I've been frying....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Time of My Life

This really is the best summer I've ever had. Ok, so there had been some little setbacks, and I'm as broke as hell, but really, with all those aside I've been having a blast! Drinking 4 times a week and chilling with the neighbours/roommates. I could not ask for more! This weekend has been insanely fun! Friday after work I got home just in time to see Kinnon try to shotgun 8 cold shots. The timing was perfect and right when he cracked the first one open it started to POUR. I ran inside so not to get soaked so I'm still waiting to see the shotgun video. We went out to sweets that night and my recollection of the nights events are pretty blurry!

Saturday I had the day off and it was a lazy day. Played 45s, hung out in the driveway.... drank A LOT of friggin rum that night! It was probably the funniest night ever, so many hilarious things happened! One of Claire's friends totally called out the fact that one of the guys in #3 could not remember her name...even though he slept with her a weekend or two ago... Another hilarious event of the night was when Claire and I stole juice from the fridge in #2 and ran out of the house giggling and laughing insanely -- we sure looked LOOPY! Everyone was like "what is up with them!?" We ended up at Zees that night and had a blast. I don't think I've ever been that drunk in a loooong loooong time! And P.S., Travis and I are officially the biggest mooches in the world and we both need to come up with some major cash fast!

The only problem now is I feel like I should still be drinking... My body is starting to go through withdrawal! I think a few of us are going swimming at Kilarney tonight in the dark... I'm probably going to be scared and bring my noodle.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Screw you Rad Cap and Flip Flop! I hate you both!

Could my thursday be ANY MORE FRIGGIN RANDOM and MESSED?!

It all started out with a fun 25 minute walk to work in the rain at 8:30am, ending with putting bandaids over my HUGE blisters that had started to develop. Work was good though, but the walk home after work was no fun with my blisters. Right now they are all swollen and scabbed over and itchy. YUCK!

The real fun started when my mom sent me grocery $$. Ahem...ok, I'm not going to lie...some of it went to alcohol! Anyways, we all got drunk with #2 + Rogers. A few of us decided it would be a good idea to walk to the bars since we couldn't afford a cab, so off we went! Somewhere downtown along regent street my flip flop from Le Chateau decided to BREAK! I know some of you would recall the time my OTHER Le Chateau flip flops broke that time at the S Club and I fell and scraped my knee. Well this time I didn't fall, but I couldn't go to Dolans without a shoe on my foot! I look back and wonder why I never asked the bouncer for duct tape. I mean I could have just wrapped the tape around my foot to secure the shoe. Oh well. I think I walked around all night with one shoe on and one shoe off. I'm even MORE surprised that I don't have a dirty foot nor glass shards sticking out of it everywhere! Rogers and I went back to his house for a bit, and then, since I'm the MOST STUBBORN PERSON EVER while drunk, I walked back to my house with Rogers with one shoe on, one shoe off -- even though he offered to piggy back me. I guess the reason I didn't let him was because that would have been VERY reminiscent of the other time my flip flop broke at the bar....I think some of the boys we were with had to piggy back me because I was so drunk.

Anyways, to make things worse, I went to drive Rogers home this morning and my rad cap that I had received for free would not fit my radiator! I struggled with it and tried to slam it on, then asked #2 to help...they had no luck. All I wanted to do was whip the damn thing down the road. That means I am going to have to walk to work tonight in the rain probably. Bah.

Although last night was totally random, I am disappointed I missed out on going to Dolans!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sad is only one letter away from Mad.

I don't think angry Gill actually exists. When events happen and I should be super angry, I'm sad instead. Trevor and I made plans for this morning to hang out for a little bit before he actually left for good... But.... he never showed up. He never called me to tell me he wasn't coming. I'm so hurt right now because I feel like he didn't even care enough to call. My roommates all say I should be mad but I'm sad. Why can't I express any anger?! I don't want to make a big deal about all of this. I just wanted to say I am feeling sad. Oh well. Time to get ready for work...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I hope things go up from here....

Wow I don't know what to say. Trevor came into work today and surprised me telling me he's leaving for Banff tomorrow and just wanted to say goodbye. We haven't really talked in a while, and that was the last thing I expected to happen on a lazy tuesday! I must have looked really shocked because my coworkers asked me what was up, and I tried to be ok and hold it in but I had to go out back for a few minutes to compose myself. It's funny. When Trevor and I first broke up, I didn't cry as much as I expected myself to. But now its like the tears won't stop coming. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him because he seems happy. But I will miss him and I hope we don't lose touch with eachother, because thats what ALWAYS happens..


Kinnon and I just had a deep conversation about family and death. It got me thinking...what would I ever do if my mom passed away?! I would be left with no one.

I realised that when my car overheated the other day, so much pressure built up that it totally blew the cap off my radiator! I didn't realise until right before I had to leave for work so I poured in my fluids and drove it anyways... But I don't know if I should just suck it up and walk to work tomorrow (I can't afford the bus, thats how broke I am right now..) Ugh I feel so bummed out! Is it really that bad to drive the car with no radiator cap?! Yeah, I thought so. Looks like it will be one sweaty walk for Gilly tomorrow!

I feel sad. I think at night I feel the worst because I have lots of time to reflect on my life and think about things that make me sad. My money issues right now are really stressing me out. A big thanks goes out to Chris Reid, my favorite #2 neighbour;) He lent me ten dollars so my rent cheque doesn't bounce tomorrow. But basically that means I have to scrounge up my three dollars of rolled pennies...along with any other change I can count out (ie. nickels and dimes) to buy the bare minimum of groceries ... (I am thinking eggs, bread, apples and tuna) I am basically going to starve for the next two weeks until my paycheck, which then will go to all my bills and credit cards. My life sucks. I hate how I have this long weekend off, only because I asked for it off thinking that I would be having fun partying. Now I'm broke, and have nothing to do. My camping trip plan has been foiled due to lack of funds. And I'm soooo sick! I have been sick for over a month with whatever I have and it keeps getting worse. I keep having these crazy coughing fits where I almost puke because I'm coughing so hard and my whole chest is congested and makes wheezing sounds. I'm in rough shape.

Monday, July 31, 2006


Hmmm, where to start? Peter Party on Friday night was WICKED! I'm so glad I ended up going. I had a blast with all my work friends! The pouring rain turned my perfectly straight hair into a head of curls (plus the frizz of course!) We started out at Roger's place just up the street from my house and then went to the back nine. Roger had reserved a whole private room for us, it was so nice! We then headed to sweets where a bunch of creepos tried to hit on us. I ended up walking home in the rain with Brad. Random pic of Claire, Peter and I.

Saturday night we all drank here at 672 Graham -- in #1, 2 and 3! I heart the neighbours we have this summer, if it wasn't for them and my awesome roommates my summer would be pretty damn shitty! We headed to Nicky Zees that night -- it was good but somehow I got WAY too drunk off of nothing. It probably had to do with the fact that I had drank 8 out of 14 days. My body is so rundown. Not to mention this horrible chest/cough I have that won't go away... It was so bad last night that I almost puked from coughing so hard! Speaking of puke..... I don't really remember much from the walk home...but I do remember wandering back outside for fresh air after getting home and some random came with me and sat on the curb at the side of the road while I started passing out! Sheehan rescued me and dragged me inside. I went to the the spins....sat on the dirty bathroom floor and then decided I had to puke. Only nothing was left in my stomach to puke except for a bit of foam so I dry heaved for 5 minutes while staring at the base of the toilet and the dirty mold covered floor. SICK. Right after puking up stomach acid I felt better and preceded into the living room and ate pizza my roommates had ordered. Random night. I would like to thank Claire who covered my eyes and dragged me into the other dance floor while yelling "OMG OMG DONT LOOK DONT LOOK DONT LOOK!"

Today was not such a good day however -- Sheehan and I were excited to go to the beach in Mactaquac, except for my car overheated as we were going. We had to turn around and it took us a really long time to get home with all the starting and stopping I had to do.. We were really disappointed about missing out on beach day but it ended up #3 was going and had two extra seats in their vehicle. I had a good time, they are cool kids!

So how many creepos cruise around fredericton on a sunday night to pick up girls and/or honk the horn or yell out car windows? We counted at least 5 tonight, including one truck which actually PULLED OVER to the side of the road on Regent street and yelled out the window "wanna go to the movies?" Can you be any more pathetic and desparate?!

Friday, July 28, 2006


I hate breakups. Some days are always better than others and this is one of my not-s0-good days. I feel really sad. I'm so mad at myself for opening myself up to him and I'm so mad at myself for caring and being distraught because we broke up. BLAHHH! I just want to lay here in bed all day with my laptop. I don't want to go to work tonight and I certainly do not feel like going to the party we are having for Peter (Peter from AE who recently quit). But of course I have to go to both and I cannot just lay here all day. I must go out and face the world with the fake smile on my face which I've put on since tuesday.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Playing the waiting game is no fun at all.

Sheehan and I went nutso on the kitchen last night and cleaned it spotless... this includes scrubbing out the microwave, scrubbing the floor and cleaning out the cupboards. If anyone messes it up I'll murder them! Already I see crumbs on the counter -- who is the culprit!

I just got back from the gym. I would have stayed longer and done a harder workout but I had a call in for AE at 3 and I had to be home in time just in case I had to work it! Of course I called work and they don't need me until 6:30 so now I have 4.5 hours to waste here by myself on this beautiful day. Frig I wish I had a yard to lay in and tan!

I have decided I am going to refrain from drinking at Dolans tonight due to lack of funds and the fact that I'm starting to grow a beer belly... Well, ok, truthfully I'm going to "try" not to drink but I imagine one or two drinks will end up in my belly. I'm not going to lie.

I'm trying to get a camping trip set up for Parlee Beach next weekend since I have the weekend off from work. I was hoping to go up August 5 (saturday) and stay until the 7th (monday). If anyone is interested in joining the fun, please let me know!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another Day, Another Night.

Last night involved more drinking. I feel as if I am becoming an alcoholic. If it wasn't for my severe lack of funds I probably would be! Last night I ended up at the Capital during the lightning storm with the neighbours and my little sis - today was a bit more random as I headed to work this morning running on 4 hours of sleeeeeeep...then went to bring Trevor the rest of his stuff (aka clothes) that were left here. Actually, come to think of it I think I still have some of his spices in my fridge! We ended up on a productive walking adventure. I guess we are going to try to be friends with the dismay of everyone else I know. I guess I can honestly say I don't know what the hell I'm doing right now. I just got back from the neighbours, smoking the "hookah" and eating McDicks. Oh crap, I just realised I ate McDicks twice today. GROSS! Tomorrow will be more drinking and Dolans of course. I am running out of money and I need to stop drinking.

Now I must ask the most crucial question known to mankind...

What is the most random item in your cupboard?

If I must answer first -- its a GIANT can of PUMPKIN!!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Maybe what I wrote last night was uncalled for....but thats how I feel and I can't help the way I feel.

At least I still have my double chocolate chip cookies..

I don't know who actually reads this... but since this is my blog I'm allowed to write about how I feel. Right now I feel really hurt, and angry and alone. I can't believe I let my guard down for this boy, when I was so hesitant at first.. I'm angry at myself for letting myself develop these feelings and I'm angry that I'm so hurt by him. I'm angry that I took his birthday weekend off from work so that I could celebrate with him. I wish I never started to fall for him, I wish we had never dated so we could be friends and I wouldn't be losing him. I'm hurt that he doesn't have the feelings for me that I do for him. I want to say I hate him but I don't. I don't want to be alone, I don't want to have no one that cares about me. I really really liked him. Why does this always happen. Even though I could see this coming these past few days it still really hurts. Having your heart ripped out and stomped on sucks. I wish I had a remote that rewinds the past so that I could act differently or something to change the outcome of the situation. I don't know. I don't know why he doesn't care about me. I don't know why he doesn't want to be with me. I don't understand. I'm so hurt. He's losing the best thing that ever happened to him. I tried to be the best girlfriend he's ever had but I guess I just wasn't enough. I just need to crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep. I hate my life. Whyyyyy....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My Summer Drama

Why is it that every summer my life feels like a freakin soap opera! I can't even begin to explain all the craziness that has been going on in my life these past couple weeks but I want it to just be all normal again. I feel so alone right now and I just want him here to cuddle with me. Last night was day 3 of my drunken adventures. I don't think I've ever been so drunk in my life. Thursday night was a Dolans night --- Friday night was Sweets and last night was Zees. Last night was just a crazy night in general and somehow a bunch of sketchy people we didn't know ended up in our apartment and wouldn't leave! One of the sketchbags decided he'd be cool if he only wore his boxers ... and the boxers were hanging down his ass so you could see his entire crack (wow attractive...) When we told him to put his pants on he flipped out at Kinnon and tried to fight him and it took us about an hour to get this guy out of our house... And apparently later on that night when I was upstairs, some random guy ran into our house and whipped out his dick and chased Claire's sister around... Fucking creepy!