Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy November!

Here's my attempt at an update. The weekend ended up being a blast. Friday night I hung out with the group, did too many yetis and ended up back at my house with Trav. We chilled, ordered pizza and fell asleep. Saturday night we all dressed up at the boys place and I ended up at some random party with the Channel 4 News Team (aka Trav, Wes, Farva and Reid). Oddly enough Lisa from AE was there too. Strange indeed. We then hit up Sweets and I danced with Brian Fantana on the dance floor for a very long time;) A lot of free drinks/shots ended up in my stomach as well. And of course delicious Jacks pizza and walking home to my house in the pouring rain with Travis. On sunday I decided to drive the boys back to moncton and I stayed the night. Yes, that involved a little class skippage as well. Needless to say I dropped Virology because I didn't show up/study for the midterm. I don't want to have to go another two weeks before seeing him again. It's brutal. The first week usually goes by pretty quickly, but week number two sucks. And the fact that his computer is busted makes it worse because we can't really talk.

For some reason I can't get my Halloween pics to post, so I'll post them later tonight :)

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