Thursday, October 26, 2006

I need to clean my room.

Well it's happened again. Although this time its different - I didn't mean to sleep in and skip my class today. My alarm didn't go off, or maybe I turned it off in my sleep. But either way I woke up and my class had already started. Fuck. This was a terrible class to skip. Ugh! My plan for the day is to study study study... something I haven't done in a really long long time. I need to pull myself together and get my act in gear.

I hope this weekend is super fun! I wish I wasn't working so much at AE. Vanessa lent me a super scandelous black cat costume for Halloween. I've been trying to modify it so its a bit less scandelous but I still look super rediculous when I'm wearing it. Yeaaaah.

Last night after work, I spent the evening at the boys place with Kristy and Laura (and the other usuals showed up of course). I don't think I've ever done so many yetis in such a short time span. Gross. I need to stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I skipped two classes recently. One was my 7:30am class. I was up on time but found a flat tire and by the time it was fixed I only had 15 minutes to change, shower, and eat and I was all, "fuck this," and went back to bed and went into the lab at 9, as though I had been in class. Another day I skipped my afternoon class because it just seriously blows. Seriously. Everyone feels like killing themselves rather than going.