Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oh Zoo lab, I miss you.

I was reading very old blog entries from when I first moved to fredericton for school in 2004 when I came across this picture I had taken:

Why can't my labs be this much fun this year?!! I had a great time being silly in Zoology lab with Chris. Speaking of Chris, he's back this year after a long hiatus. He now has a kid, and a fiance too! And drove me home today:P Jenn, remember when you thought he was the "crying train boy?"

Well, I gotta leave for work at AE soon...I'm taking Roger's shift today from 12-6 to earn some extra $$!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Remember in Ecology when I ASKED Chris if he was crying train boy?

Oh dear...I miss those days!