Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stolen from Gill Salmon...

Go to your Blog and find the first entry for each month of 2006. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

January: I would post pictures from last night... if my camera would turn on...
February: Miss you so much Dad!!!!! :(
March: Even though its not technically March Break, its basically started for me!
April: Someone friggin puked outside my front door....
May: Today was a good day.
June: I got a new job without hardly lifting a finger at Kellys Cafe/Bouldons on Regent St.
July: Awww I just love this picture of me and my little sis Becca from last night!!
August: Wow I don't know what to say.
September: I'm all moved in!
October: All this school-related stress has got to stop.
November: Here's my attempt at an update.
December: There needs to be more bloggage in my life and less facebook.

Gill = bored, not sleepy and lonely.

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