Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I like the way you move

I don't know why I even have a blog becuase lately I haven't had any thoughts to write about. Lets see... Trev left for treeplanting today for "real" this time - - I worked all day today from 2-11 at American Eagle. Oh, and I quit Kellys. I have to go face Kelly and wait until she finishes yelling at me (and probably making me cry) before I can get my cheque from her since she's holding it hostage. Stupid psycho bitch. I hate her! Anyways, she was unfair. When I was first hired I told her she had to work around my AE schedule because I've been there longer and I asked her to give me set hours but she never did either. Basically what ended up happening was all my shifts would overlap and collide and it was too much of a hassle.

No boy before this one has ever done this for me......


Alex the Pirate said...

Maybe it's cause of the quilt? Too easy to get the wrong colour rose.

Shelley said...

AWWW Gill!!! your boyfriend has a ALOT to teach mine.. haha!! how friggin adorable!

Vy said...

awwe how sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

you've got a keeper!
