Wednesday, June 28, 2006

6 days to my big 2-3!

I don't know if work really didn't need me to come in today or if Peter just felt bad because he said I didn't even sound like Gill on the phone and he was really confused at first. That's because I'm dreadfully ill, thats right, you heard it. AGAIN. I don't know what is up with my immune system but this is the fourth time I've been sick since the March break. That's just not right! I'm glad I have today to rest and try to recouperate. It's funny too because whenever I start up a new gym routine and start getting into the habit of going daily and for a substantial length of time I always get sick and I have to give it up! Why does that happen?! It's frustrating!! I so would have gone today if I didn't feel like crap -- if my throat was sore and dry and feel like its closing up -- if I wasn't sore all over and have a fever (or so it feels like it). I think I'm going to buy a thermometer since I get sick so much!

I finally got in to see Kelly today and boy did it suck. First of all I had to wake up really early to go down; I'm sick; all I did was throw on a sweater and jeans and leave my house. Kelly gave me a talking to for a good 10 minutes and tried to tell me she was going to take my $310 cheque and go cash it and keep half for herself. I rebuttled with "but I worked those hours". Apparently she didn't give a shit because she had to "waste" money training me. Whatever, its my money! So she went on about keeping half the money for herself for a good 5 minutes and then gave me the option: "So, what are you going to do? Take the whole cheque or leave half for me?" I didn't respond right away but obviously she is not getting a dime of my hard earned cash! She then threw a fit and said take the damn cheque, and don't step foot in this store ever again! Good riddance!"

At least its over with now. I went directly to the bank and deposited it in the ATM. I hope there is no way she can still cancel the cheque on me or something to fuck me over!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I knew it was going to be bad but I didn't think it would end with her forbidding you to enter the store! Hope you feel better soon!

Vy said...

Sheesh Gillgill..what did you do to piss her off so bad? & no she doesn't have the right to keep half of your pay check...Kelly sounds like a bitch. Fredericton is a small town...she should be careful as to how she treats people.

Anonymous said...

hey gill! i was curious too as to what happened to this job that made things go soo sour?

Shelley said...

omg what a psycho!!!! its no wonder you quit gill! hope your feeling better.. :)