Friday, August 04, 2006

Screw you Rad Cap and Flip Flop! I hate you both!

Could my thursday be ANY MORE FRIGGIN RANDOM and MESSED?!

It all started out with a fun 25 minute walk to work in the rain at 8:30am, ending with putting bandaids over my HUGE blisters that had started to develop. Work was good though, but the walk home after work was no fun with my blisters. Right now they are all swollen and scabbed over and itchy. YUCK!

The real fun started when my mom sent me grocery $$. Ahem...ok, I'm not going to lie...some of it went to alcohol! Anyways, we all got drunk with #2 + Rogers. A few of us decided it would be a good idea to walk to the bars since we couldn't afford a cab, so off we went! Somewhere downtown along regent street my flip flop from Le Chateau decided to BREAK! I know some of you would recall the time my OTHER Le Chateau flip flops broke that time at the S Club and I fell and scraped my knee. Well this time I didn't fall, but I couldn't go to Dolans without a shoe on my foot! I look back and wonder why I never asked the bouncer for duct tape. I mean I could have just wrapped the tape around my foot to secure the shoe. Oh well. I think I walked around all night with one shoe on and one shoe off. I'm even MORE surprised that I don't have a dirty foot nor glass shards sticking out of it everywhere! Rogers and I went back to his house for a bit, and then, since I'm the MOST STUBBORN PERSON EVER while drunk, I walked back to my house with Rogers with one shoe on, one shoe off -- even though he offered to piggy back me. I guess the reason I didn't let him was because that would have been VERY reminiscent of the other time my flip flop broke at the bar....I think some of the boys we were with had to piggy back me because I was so drunk.

Anyways, to make things worse, I went to drive Rogers home this morning and my rad cap that I had received for free would not fit my radiator! I struggled with it and tried to slam it on, then asked #2 to help...they had no luck. All I wanted to do was whip the damn thing down the road. That means I am going to have to walk to work tonight in the rain probably. Bah.

Although last night was totally random, I am disappointed I missed out on going to Dolans!

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