Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Kinnon and I just had a deep conversation about family and death. It got me thinking...what would I ever do if my mom passed away?! I would be left with no one.

I realised that when my car overheated the other day, so much pressure built up that it totally blew the cap off my radiator! I didn't realise until right before I had to leave for work so I poured in my fluids and drove it anyways... But I don't know if I should just suck it up and walk to work tomorrow (I can't afford the bus, thats how broke I am right now..) Ugh I feel so bummed out! Is it really that bad to drive the car with no radiator cap?! Yeah, I thought so. Looks like it will be one sweaty walk for Gilly tomorrow!

I feel sad. I think at night I feel the worst because I have lots of time to reflect on my life and think about things that make me sad. My money issues right now are really stressing me out. A big thanks goes out to Chris Reid, my favorite #2 neighbour;) He lent me ten dollars so my rent cheque doesn't bounce tomorrow. But basically that means I have to scrounge up my three dollars of rolled pennies...along with any other change I can count out (ie. nickels and dimes) to buy the bare minimum of groceries ... (I am thinking eggs, bread, apples and tuna) I am basically going to starve for the next two weeks until my paycheck, which then will go to all my bills and credit cards. My life sucks. I hate how I have this long weekend off, only because I asked for it off thinking that I would be having fun partying. Now I'm broke, and have nothing to do. My camping trip plan has been foiled due to lack of funds. And I'm soooo sick! I have been sick for over a month with whatever I have and it keeps getting worse. I keep having these crazy coughing fits where I almost puke because I'm coughing so hard and my whole chest is congested and makes wheezing sounds. I'm in rough shape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there kid. You've been through alot from what I occasionally read. Lean on your friends