Friday, July 06, 2007

The queen of bad decisions.

Only a couple close people to me have heard the nitty gritty details of my so-called-life and the most life altering events that I've gone through so far. I don't tell very many people. Some things are hard to talk about. A few people know the jist of things but I believe there is only one person I've actually gone into extreme details with, that person being one of my roommates. I've been told by her that I'm a very strong person for making it through everything but I really don't think I'm a strong person at all. All the terrible decisions I have been making and continue to make to this day don't back that up. Today is going to be crazy intense and I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle it. There comes a time when I'm just going to explode. I feel stressed, confused, worried...

I never thought once that my life would turn out like this. Everything is in shambles. EVERYTHING. I don't feel that there is one positive thing in my life right now. Everything is so messed up.

And I just keep making the same bad decisions time after time, even though I know better.

I'll write a birthday blog adventure when I don't feel like I'm going to puke because I'm so depressed and stressed out.

1 comment:

carolina said...

so gill. you should definitly look at my post called "titleless".

i think you and i are a litte bit alike.

i also think that we could potentially have great converstaions if we were to get together.