Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well, its that hectic time of year again..

Classes officially start tomorrow. I have class from 8:30-11:30am, then I have to walk up to the mall and work from 1-5:15. Yuck. I'm going to be exhausted. I also promised I would head to Dolans that night... I don't think I'll be able to make it considering I have class from 8:30-12:30 the following morning!!

Anyways, here are the classes I'm registered for if any of you are interested (probably not tho!):

- Bioinformatics
- Adv. Biochem
- Adv. Eukaryotic cell lab
- Virology
- Animal Physiology

Today was a busy day. It consisted of waking up super early (after staying up til 3:30am because I was drunk at the Capital that Tues night) and going to training for my lab demonstrator position for the course Research Methods in Cell Biology. After that was over, I came home and made supper and spent the evening with Agni at the mall and running errands. My student loan came in so (stupidly) I decided to blow a bunch of money...on a new cell phone, shoes, school supplies and underwear from AE (hey...I get 50% off on it for two weeks, I couldn't resist!). Now I'm scared to check out my bank account for the major dent I put in it today... Oh well, what can you do...

It sucks that a certain someone moved to Moncton...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to hear things are going well
hope to see the new place soooon!