Sunday, July 02, 2006

I hate DIALUP!

I'm home alone in Kingston right now, bored out of my friggin mind. Why don't you drive somewhere, you may ask? Well -- my car broke down last night so I'm stranded here in the middle of the friggin woods! Anyways, this fun and exciting weekend I had planned turned out to be one of the worst weekends yet. So much for a great two days off in a row. Trev's friend, a fellow hamptonian died on friday night in PEI. He was hit by a drunk driver. He was only 20, and from what Trevor said he had so much going for him. It's such a sin. I feel terrible for all who knew him.

Amanda and I were still going to try to make the best of the day, by going out with Ang to the new renovated 3 mile (or the Max??) I was at her house all afternoon and realised I forgot a few things at my house so we hopped in my car to go to my house -- everything seemed fine and dandy. We pumped up the tunes, began to arise from our slump throughout the day and get hyper. I stopped at the Iriving in Hampton to pick up a Rockstar energy drink since I wouldn't be drinking (I was DD) -- I started my car again and about 3 minutes later I realised I had a couple warning lights flashing -- one was this exclamation point surrounded by double brackets and the other was a battery light. I then realised I had lost my power steering. I pulled over and stopped my car in a church parking lot. Oh the random adventures Amanda and I have in my car! I pulled out the manual that came with my car (that I had NEVER opened) and looked up the warning lights. I could not find the exclamation point, but the battery warning light told me that basically my car was going to die and to turn off the fans, radio, lights (which at the time was not possible, it was dark!) etc and drive to the nearest Toyota dealer or mechanic. HAHAHAHA!!! I managed to get my car back to my house, but it also started to overheat on the way there.... Basically that put the final stop on our night and I just borrowed my moms car to drive Amanda home, with a quick stop at Trevs to see how he was doing.

And that brings me to being stranded here in kingston, bored out of my mind. It's funny that I was just having a conversaton with the neighbours last night while having a few drinks with them in the parking lot about how I thought my car was going to die any day now...

Ok, I'm going to go downstairs and watch some boring daytime boonie-vision (aka 3 channels). It will probably take me at least 10 minutes to post this also because of the dial-up so that will kill some more time.

1 comment:

Vy said...

awwe I'm sorry your weekened sucked Gill-Gill. But we have many many many good times in Freddy & you'll have MANY more to come! So don't worry :) You'll make up for it hehe

love ya miss ya!

Vy xoxo