Sunday, July 16, 2006

Life of Gill

My party for my birthday was a total hit! There were so many people here that the cops came. And everyone knows a party isn't a party without the cops!

I got waaaay too drunk last night...lets just leave it at that. This morning was no fun at all.

About the apartment... Forough, Agni and I drew names for the rooms before seeing the place. Of course I get the small room with the stairway and garbage dumpster outside the window. Thats just my luck. When I saw it, I just didn't want to cram myself and all my junk into such a small dark room for 12 months of my life. We tried to find other places to look at in the paper in our price range/area of choice but we had no luck. Forough decided to trade me and I now have the large room! (I am going to pay more than everyone else for it) The rest of the apartment is awesome too... it has a HUGE living room and a big porch! I'm so pumped to move into it!! I am just going to have to get used to walking a lot more since the university is not right in my back yard (like it basically was all year!)

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